Perform a Mental Miracle with Coins!

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Perform a Mental Miracle with Coins!
Number 203
Broadcast Date February 1, 2012
Episode Length 12:10
Hosts Brian Brushwood
Guests Daniel Garcia

Our final episode with Daniel Garcia involves a simple yet amazing trick where your friends line up some coins in random order and you predict the order they choose!

Revision3 Summary

Our final episode with Daniel Garcia involves a simple yet amazing trick where your friends line up some coins in random order and you predict the order they choose! BONUS: Did you know Danny has the power to heal cards? Watch his final trick and prepare to be blown away!

Next Week

Next week, you're not gonna wanna miss it, we're gonna be giving up all of our scams and cons and criminal ways, and instead we're gonna play the world's largest game of musical chairs.

Great Quote

Fun Facts

  • Filmed at Mars Bar



Preceded by:
"Awesome Chess Puzzle: Turn Your Chess Board into a Minesweeper Game!"
Perform a Mental Miracle with Coins!
Followed by:
"One Badass Cocktail Napkin Origami Trick!"