Simply Having A Wonderful Cargill Time

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Simply Having A Wonderful Cargill Time
Number 251
Broadcast Date December 12, 2018
Episode Length 01:46:02
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests C. Robert Cargill

Yoga farts vis a vis yoga queefs. Plus, "Dr. Strange" screenwriter C. Robert Cargill joins us to discern derby girl names from drag queen names in a new quiz. Plus, his movie picks of the year and your emails to [email protected]

Be sure to follow Cargill on Twitter:


A Wonderful Yoga Time

Was Paul McCartney cashing in to make a christmas song? Never mind that. Bonnie has been going to yoga. The conversation immediately steered into the concept of farting while doing yoga. One of the instructors was a Yoga Bro which prompted an appearance by apparently-former youth pastor James Thurgood.

Well that explains a lot

Bonnie correctly noted that regardless of controversy, "Baby It's Cold Outside" completely describes the relationship between Brian and Justin. Also Justin read an email from a listener who described would could best be called "christian edging"

The Shelf Elf

Bonnie asserts that the Elf on the Shelf concept is just there to make more hassle for parents. Bonnie attempted to direct Brian to move the Elf, but mistakenly did it as a group text to the family. DELETED!


Hey you, be a patron at and in addition to broken promises you might get your name shouted out in the NAME CHANT CORNER HOUR like this week's lucky patron ERIC CRANLEY.

Also during the twitch sub minute, you can subscribe and give bits to and you will be badweave'd into a cute little story.


C. Robert Cargill Has No News

It's guest C. Robert Cargill, who in addition to writing the novel Sea of Rust and the screenplay for Doctor Strange does not peddle in rumours and so has nothing to say about a potential Doctor Strange 2 movie that may or may not be in development.

Derby Girl or Drag Queen?

It's a game from Biocow. The concept is simple: given a stage name, is it for a Roller Derby Girl, or a Drag Queen? Everyone plays including C. Robert Cargill.

  • "Penny Tentiary"
    • Brian: Derby Girl
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Cargill: Derby Girl
    • Actually a Drag Queen
  • "Malice in Wonderland"
    • Justin: Derby Girl
    • Cargill: Derby Girl
    • Brian: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Derby Girl
  • "Peg Legg"
    • Cargill: Drag Queen
    • Brian: Derby Girl
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Drag Queen
  • "SinderHella"
    • Brian: Drag Queen
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Cargill: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Derby Girl
  • "Lynn Schmob"
    • Justin: Derby Girl in a Derby World
    • Cargill: Republican Derby Girl
    • Brian: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Drag Queen
  • "Maddelynn Hatter"
    • Cargill: Drag Queen
    • Brian: Derby Girl
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Drag Queen
  • "Lady MacDeath"
    • Brian: Derby Girl
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Cargill: Derby Girl
    • Actually a Derby Girl
  • "Ivy Dripp"
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Cargill: Drag Queen
    • Brian: Derby Girl even though he thinks it's a Drag Queen
    • Actually a Drag Queen
  • "Cheri Bomb"
    • Cargill: Derby Girl
    • Brian: Drag Queen
    • Justin: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Drag Queen

Last Round! This one is worth ten points

  • "Holly GoBiteMe"
    • Brian: Derby Girl
    • Justin: Derby Girl
    • Cargill: Drag Queen
    • Actually a Derby Girl

Justin Wins! If you make a cool game to play, send it to mail at night attack dot tv and if they use it you more than likely will get stickers from

Cargill Recommends Movies

C. Robert Cargill recommends the movies "The Captain (Der Hauptmann)" a dark drama about a deserter who impersonates a German Officer in WWII and "Heavy Trip" a comedy about a Finnish Death Metal Band. Also "Stalag 17"

C. Robert Cargill is a big movie buff, and so there was an extended discussion of movies, Ryan Reynolds, Oscar Contenders, Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. Cargill however, has not seen Aquaman and so cannot answer Justin's question if a fish punches a guy in the balls.

Diamond Time

Movie Draft

Who is in the lead? Why it's DTNS. See all the gory gore at

Mail Bag

Send your mail to mail at night attack dot tv. What's your favorite superhero? (Irony Man, Fantastic Four / Ghost Rider / Punisher / Venom, Doctor the Stranger). What about food being served in the "r/WeWantPlates" fashion? ("That's awful I hate this") There are lots of good restaurants near you that doen't serve smoothies inside a lightbulb, go there instead. Tips for parents of ADHD kids? ("Make sure your kids are loved, the rest will work itself out")


  • "I believe that the world should be weirder than it is" - Brian
  • "Why'd you say hi for me?" - Bryce, referring to Brian at the start of the show when Bryce was introduced.
  • "I wanna see someone get punched in the face by Lady MacDeath" - Brian

Fun Facts

  • Almost everybody on the show figured they would be diagnosed with ADHD when they were kids.
  • Bonnie got a tattoo from a person with a peg leg.


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"The Equine Clam Party"
Simply Having A Wonderful Cargill Time
Followed by:
"Santa-Client Privilege"