Amazon To Sell Cashier-Less Tech to Retailers

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Amazon To Sell Cashier-Less Tech to Retailers
Number 1069
Broadcast Date MARCH 9, 2020
Episode Length 5:41
Hosts Rich Stroffolino

Amazon announced it will sell its cashier-less tech as a new line of business, eBay and Facebook block listings for surgical face masks, and security researchers show security exploit for AMD processors made from 2011-2019.


Amazon told Reuters it will begin selling the technology behind it's cashier-less stores to other retails as a new line of business. Amazon calls this Just Walk Out technology, with "several" customers already signed up. Amazon will publish a website on March 9th to let other retails inquire about the service. According to Amazon VP of physical retail Dilip Kumar, the implementation will have customers insert a credit card at a turnstile before entering the store, which will them be charged with all items the customer leaves with. Amazon will install the technology for the system, and turnstiles will carry “Just Walk Out technology by Amazon,” branding.
Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Twitter have all confirmed they plan to pay their hourly workers regular wages whether their services can be used or not. The companies have encouraged people to work from home but many hourly workers do jobs like shuttle driver, office housekeeping, and kitchen staff, which can't be done remotely.
Samsung says it will temporarily move some of its smartphone production from South Korea to Vietnam after another of its Korean staff tested positive for the coronavirus at its Gumi factory, which is close to the city of Daegu. Since last month, a total of six workers have tested positive at the factory. Samsung says operations at Gumi will resume on Saturday.
Facebook announced it temporarily banned all ads and Marketplace listings that list surgical facemaks for sale, and said it will make other policy changes as needed to prevent people trying to exploit the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, eBay notified sellers that it was banning new listings in the US for hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and surgical masks to prevent price gouging.
Apple CEO Tim Cook sent a company wide memo, offering staff the opportunity to work remotely for the week of March 9th if their job permits it, expanding an offer from last week for employees in California and Seattle. Apple is also making changes to Apple classes and Genius Bar appointments to reduce "human density."
The New York Times reports the Clearview AI facial recognition database marketed to law enforcement was beta tested by people not in law enforcement for personal reasons like finding out who was dating their children. Clearview co-founder Hoan Ton-That said that trial accounts were offered, "to potential and current investors and other strategic partners."
DoNotPay launched a new Chrome extension that generates links to share subscription logins without sharing login information. The plugin generates a browser cookie like the one used to keep you logged into a website, which is then encrypted and associated with a sharable web link. Neither the recipient nor DoNotPay see the login information, although the link recipient must also subscribe to DoNotPay. Users can also revoke access through DoNotPay's dashboard without having to reset their password. Currently only desktop web browsers can use the links.
A new paper from security researchers at Graz University of Technology in Austria claims that all AMD processors made from 2011 to 2019 are vulnerable to a side channel attack that could leak otherwise protected information. The researchers reverse-engineered AMD’s L1D cache way predictor, resulting in two types of attacks, Collide+Probe which can monitor a victim’s memory accesses on a time shared logical core, and Load+Reload, which can obtain highly-accurate memory-access traces on a physical core. The researchers were able to run the exploit in JavaScript run on Chrome and Firefox browsers, and also gained access to AES encryption keys. Compared to similar architectural vulnerabilities like Spectre and Meltdown, the ones disclosed only leak a "few bits of metadata," rather than provide full access. The researchers notified AMD of their findings on August 23, 2019, and AMD said it believed these were "not new speculation-based attacks."
Twitter announced it reached a deal with Elliott Management and Silver Lake, which will see Silver Lake invest $1 billion into Twitter, and resulting in a $2 billion share repurchase program. The deal comes after Bloomberg reported last month that Elliott Management nominated 4 directors for three empty board seats in a move to oust CEO Jack Dorsey. The two investment firms will each get a seat on the board as part of the deal, with Twitter seeking a new independent director for the last vacancy.
The rare Nintendo PlayStation prototype console sold at auction for $360,000 to Greg McLemore, founder of and The unit is believed to be the only surviving console out of 200 that were made during a failed partnership with Nintendo and Sony to produce a console in the early 90s. McLemore says he plans to use the console to create a permanent gaming museum.


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Amazon To Sell Cashier-Less Tech to Retailers
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