February 21 2011

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Revision as of 00:02, 21 February 2011 by Cheeto (talk | contribs)
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February 21, 2011 was an important day in the life of chatrealm.


On this day, two chattys decided to get possibly someday in the future get married. At first the lovely cowgirlcurtis selected, after much deliberation, Ronak to potentially be the lucky groom, but found Cheeto to be romantic and far more loving than Ronak, who tweeted that he would eat Cheeto's family. There were many others involved in a cage match to determine the winner, including, Rick Foster, shadowguy, Snoop dizzle, tondagossa, and Cheeto. The battle lasted over two hours. A wedding date has not been set yet because there may or may not be some sort of wedding thing.
