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Stick With Ostriches
Number 247
Broadcast Date November 14, 2018
Episode Length 01:32:02
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Brian's sick, Justin's brother is growing up, and we administer a whole quiz of antivirals. Plus your emails to [email protected]!


With Draw Rawls

There was no live show last week, because Justin had a live show for the election but this week Night Attack is Back. Brian is sick. Justin's election show sold out and went well, with extra seats at the front including a drunk show-goer Christian who had plenty of antics during Justin's performance.

Justin the Box

Justin visited family in florida, and they played Jackbox party games. Turns out Justin's 13-year old brother loves the funny names like "Justin's Ass", "Ben Dover" and "Big Peen" you can use in Jackbox games. Justin approves.

Fake Band

A band with the terrible name "Threatin" turned out to be a total fraud that bought facebook likes and youtube views in order to make a tour look like shows were sold out. It becomes obvious, however, when literally nobody comes to the show, that something is up.

You ought to know by now

Joe Perry from Aerosmith was performing with Billy Joel and collapsed backstage. This sparked yet another discussion of Billy Joel's music and the potential for "Racist Billy Joel Songs" which got immediately vetoed.


Hey, you reading this. If you support Night Attack on Patreon at, then you get your own private RSS feed with the preshow and postshow available nowhere else. Also you can get shouted out in the NAME CHANT CORNER HOUR like best pal CHRIS BORDEN. You can also subscribe on twitch and bit n' sub it up during the twitch minute.

This episode's BIT BOSS was HANDO TADPOOL.

Antiviral Mcafee Game

It's a game! Brian is sick, so here's the antivirus. The guys have to guess if a tweet is by Mcafee (the company) or John Mcafee (the guy).

Here we go!

It's a tie! So let's have a tie breaker! Both have to answer! It's also ten points.

Do you have a game for them to play? Send it to mail at night attack dot tv. If they use it, you potentially get a pack of stickers from

Diamond Time

The Movie Draft

Brian: still in first place. Full Details:


A proper mailbag opening. A picture of a cat ("good job, cat"). A picture of a dog who dropped his bone in the fire pit (That is a dope fire pit). Could Greg Proops replace Alex Trebeck on Jeopardy? (How about Paula Poundstone). Is "See You Next Tuesday" supposed to be a rude word? (What are you a cop?) Where did "Die in a Fire" come from. A song about smurfs (what about whale fucker smurf). A new listener is now up to episode 54. What is the worst live event you've done? (You Could Win A 2012 Kia Soul!). No wait, late breaking news: the new listener is up to what episode? (72). Send your mail and animal pictures to mail at night attack dot tv.


  • "That god-damn Neil Armstrong fucked me but good" - Justin, referencing the performance of the movie "First Man" in the draft
  • "I'm not sorry that I kicked Justin's ass at a very important game, that's what I learned" - Brian
  • "You think they're fucking the blowhole, or another part of the whale?" - Justin "It has to be, what else would you put your dick in" - Brian "I'm not a whale expert" - Justin

Fun Facts

  • John Mcafee ran for president as a Libertarian.


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"The Leftovers (Live from TwitchCon 2018)"
Stick With Ostriches
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"