Ahh, Pimping

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Ahh, pimping is a catch phrase originating in BBLiveShow Episode 33: "Best. BBLiveShow. Ever.", and is most often associated with Brett Rounsaville.

Proper Use

The phrase "Ahh, pimping" must be said rather matter-of-factly and with a hint of nostalgia. Consider how someone may say, "Ahh, youth" as they reflect fondly upon their own youth. "Ahh, pimping" should be said in a similar manner.

When printed, the phrase should have a comma after "Ahh" and never contain an exclamation mark. It should also retain the "g" and never be replaced with an apostrophe, as that would make it "Ahh Pimpin'" rather than "Ahh, Pimping"
