What'd I Miss?

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What'd I Miss?
Number 239
Broadcast Date September 19, 2018
Episode Length 01:25:12
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests Jay Brushwood

Not only is Jay doing well, he's joining the show to talk more about his recovery and what he's up to now. Plus, your emails on (checks notes) piss and shit and cum. Great.

And don't miss the boys live at Scoopfest Vegas (Oct 12-14) and TwitchCon (Oct 26-28)


The Ultimate #HamsForJay Update

It's the best surprise guest ever - it's Jay Brushwood himself live in Studio! As Justin said they "cleared the decks" for this show, which is All-Jay All-the-time. Jay talks in-depth about his brushwood with death in the hospital where he spent several weeks in a coma. There's a lot of humour and good feelings about Jay's fevered coma-dreams and how some of them intersected with real world events, but also some Real Talk about how Jay ended up in that situation. Jay talks about his ongoing therapy and is in good spirits.

As Jay was bidding adieu to the show, Brian presented him with... a #HamForJay.

Support via Patreon and Twitch

Jay's a big deal, and such a big deal that they eschewed the PATREON NAME CHANT CORNER HOUR this week, but that doesn't mean you can't still join in the fun. Sign up at http://patreon.com/nightattack and you get the preshow and aftershow in your own RSS feed. It's like getting three shows instead of one. Also subscribe at http://twitch.tv/nightattack and bitz it up. This episodes belated BIT BOSS FOR JAY was BRAVEJHAWK.

Diamond Time

The Movie Draft

The Winter Movie draft is coming NEXT WEEK! After Cordkillers! It will be solo players not teams! 31 movies or so! My goodness!


This week it's a new feature MAIL BAG where you email mail at nightattack dot tv where the listeners talk back. There was a lot of continued discussion of pee and shit and cum and vomit from last week's show. Someone has watched all the shows starting from episode one seven or eight times, "Do they have a problem?" "No you have a solution." Trying to remember which episodes were Balls Like the TARDIS and The Mandela Prophecy: The Princess Brice. We got to hear Veronica Belmont sing a parody of "Still Alive" by Jonathan Coulton, which although it was for the 100th episode of the Maximum PC Podcast the lyrics are strangely relevant to Night Attack.

Quotes of Note

  • "You're a strong dude" -Justin, "I was... before my coma" - Jay, referencing when he fought with his mom over pulling out his tracheotomy tube.
  • "I would rather be The Prestige where I go into a tank full of mountain dew and drown. I'd rather be in a coma than listen to that song" - Jay, regarding Crash Test Dummies' "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm"
  • "Jay's door is gonna be blockaded with Hams" - Justin

The Fun Facts

  • This was a very special episode and had an abbreviated Patreon/Twitch moment in order to give more time to Jay


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to Patreon.com/NightAttack and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Dr. Brushwood's Scale of Emissions"
What'd I Miss?
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"