Death Thy Name is Chupy

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Death Thy Name is Chupy
Number 36
Broadcast Date April 29, 2011
Episode Length 1:26:02
Hosts Andrew Mayne, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Andrew describes a harrowing trip into the woods where he comes face to face with a real Chupacabra. The Boys get into an extremely nerdy screaming match about the relative merits of going to Mars or building a Space Elevator. Justin is delighted by the exploits of a human freak of nature whose run up and down Mount Kilimanjaro in only shorts.



Recently, Andrew was taking a walk in a park and all of the sudden, further up the path he saw a strange, hairless creature staring back at him. Then, being the fearless man that he is, Andrew took out his iPhone and went into the bushes to find the creature. You can see his pictures and video here.

The Great "Mars vs. Space Elevator" Debate

A discussion about SpaceX's plans to go to Mars morphed into a heated debate over which they would prefer, a mission to Mars in the next 10 years or so, or the beginning of a space elevator in 10 years.

Justin and Andrew chose the Mars mission because they felt that that would have a much quicker impact on our society and maybe get people excited about space travel again. Then with the added knowledge and support gained from the Mars mission, they would be much better equipped to tackle to space elevator.

Brian on the other hand felt that if the ultimate goal is to get a space elevator, just build the damn space elevator. We shouldn't waste our time trying to get to Mars with land based rockets, if we have a space elevator, getting to Mars will be so much easier.

Despite all of the friendly arguing, they could all agree on one thing- "Guv'ment ain't gonna give you no space elevator"

Freak of Nature

Andrew tells us about a guy named Wim Hof who is apparently able to control his immune responses. Using these skills, he has completed many amazing feats like climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in just a pair of shorts.

Book Club




Great Quotes



Preceded by:
"Zombie Nazis in Space"
Death Thy Name is Chupy
Followed by:
"O Positive and Blade Face Blow Their Unicorn Whistles"