Sasquatch Rebuked

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Sasquatch Rebuked
Number 48
Broadcast Date December 16, 2011
Episode Length 57:05
Hosts Andrew Mayne, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young


Andrew sheds light on a brilliant, real life team-up between some of the most brilliant minds of our age. Brian comes ever closer to his life goal of hanging out in space, without have to clip coupons alongside his castle-dwelling neighbor. The corporate owned United States media takes violent blow of truth as the boys blow the lid off the Goblin black out. Finally, is Sasquatch really a biblical figure doomed to walk the earth for eternity?

Support the show by purchasing Andrew’s BRAND NEW AUDIOBOOK PRESENTATION OF The Chronological Man: The Monster In The Mist as read by Justin Robert Young for only 99¢ by clicking the link here

The League of Righteousness

It's no secret that the guys are huge fans of epic team ups and space travel- now, those two things have.... well... teamed up. It was recently announced that Paul Allen, Burt Rutan, and SpaceX have gotten together with plans to create the world's largest plane from which to launch rockets into space.

Bigfoot's Secret Identity

So this next story isn't that interesting, apparently Bigfoot could be Cain from the Bible. That's it. Apparently, it is an old Mormon tale that Cain, being cursed to eternally walk the Earth in misery, is actually the creature that we call Bigfoot.

The Gob-Prob

Instead of just explaining the next story, Andrew is going to play a little game with Justin and Brian. Andrew read the article leaving out one word and they guys had to guess what the word is.

Basically what he said was "A women abandoned her young daughter after she had an affair with her father's ______."

  • Brian- Ghost
  • Justin- Goat
    • Correct Answer: Goblin

Multi-Talented Arsonist

A MMA fighter and sex toy maker was recently arrested for burning down an Oklahoma City laundromat. However, before being arrested, he requested that he be put in leg shackles because his feet are certified weapons in Nevada.

Despite him setting fire to a building, he should have no problem picking up a new job because he claims to hold seven college degrees and has held a job as an architectural engineer, truck driver, mixed martial artist, traveling disc jockey, phlebotomist, stunt man, sex toy engineer and he also worked on the last three Spider Man movies in special effects.

Octopus Vs Shark: Revisited

Previously, the guys have argued at length about whether or not to side with Team Octopus or Team Shark. But, now there was a new video showing an octopus walking on land. This only made Andrew more excited to side with them and made Brian more eager to side with the sharks to defeat them.

Book Club




Great Quotes

  • "1.2 million lbs." -Justin
"Umm, ok. How many dollars is that?" -Brian



Preceded by:
"Ferret Plague"
Sasquatch Rebuked
Followed by:
"Serial Killer Christmas Card"