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Number 161
Broadcast Date January 16, 2013
Episode Length 1:26:56
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

It's Brian's birthday! In this episode, the guys talk about fake girl friends, set some goals and is it just me, or are these horses getting dead-er and gay-er by the minute?


Opening Video

Fresh Price: Google Translate

The Annual Birth-pocalypse

During the recording, it was just hours away from being the birthday of Brian, JammerB, Brett Rounsaville and Ben Franklin. This episode, Bri Bri gets what he wants.

Brian's Experience at the Genius Bar

Brian's iPhone 5 took a crap and he had to set up an appointment at the Genius Bar. First off, he is upset that anything unpleasant would have the word "Bar" in it's name. Plus they call themselves "geniuses" so there's an extra layer of smugness. Brian headed over to the Apple Store with quite an attitude and in the process of getting his phone replaced, the Genius says "Hey, I really like all of your podcasts."

This made Brian realize that the Apple Store is probably one of the best places for he and Justin Robert Young to get recognized. Brian suggested that Justin go into the nearest Apple Store and start doing some of his Characters.


Nutspace. Yep.


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Football Girlfriend: Fake and Dead

College football player and Heisman finalist, Manti Te'o, went through some really tough crap when both his grandmother and his girlfriend died on the same day. Then despite this, he went on to be one of the best players in the nation. Unfortunately, his dead girlfriend never existed. He says that someone pulled a horrific prank on him, but the rumors are that the fake girlfriend is his own doing.

Now, Justin is here to serve as Manti's public image rebuilder. So Manti's story is that there is a man who has been tormenting him and pretended to be his girlfriend, however there is evidence that the "tormenter" is actually his friend. Now what he tells the public is that Manti Te'o is Manti GAY'o. The "tormenter" is actually his boyfriend and all of this was an elaborate cover-up in order to fit in in the homophobic football world. He can turn it into another Jim McGreevey situation.

NSFW Show Goals

Every year Brian set's goals for his career and apparently it works out pretty well for him.

Instead of discussing goals, Brian and Justin started out talking about the success of BBLiveShow and how it has affected NSFW.

2013 Goals

  • 50,000 subscribers on their YouTube Channel
  • 24,000 average downloads per week.
  • Finish Night Attack 2 by April 1, 2013
  • Release some new NSFW shirts
  • Have R.L. Stine interview the real R.L. Stine.

Justin Has Plans for the Diamond Club Money

Justin still has $3,000 left over from the Diamond Club money and he wants to donate it to the poorest school in America. He explained it on that week's JuRY Podcast. Download the episode here or watch it on YouTube here.

Belt Winner


Great Quotes

  • Justin - "All of my characters are so stupid and one-note."

Fun Facts

  • Brian had a "Cavalcade of Characters" in this episode.


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Preceded by:
"World Tyranny 2013"
Followed by:
"Quatros Hermanos"