Flying and dying

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Flying and dying
Number 8
Broadcast Date December 22, 2011
Episode Length 18:49
Hosts Tom Merritt, Justin Robert Young

We talk relegation, and take a look at some of the up-and-coming teams hoping to get a chance next season. And guess what, the league makes two big announcements about relegation. One is the announcement of a fan vote for promotion! You aren’t going to believe the other one, until you listen to FSL Tonight.


Trouble in Paradise

Despite all of the fanfare surrounding Jayne Cobb's arrival in Canton, there is some on-field drama between Cobb and teammate Stitch Hessian.


  • Vulcan Velocity 1 Serenity Valley Fireflys 7
  • Canton Jaynes 2 Alderaan Rebels 1
  • Coruscant Empire 0 Arrakis Barons 3
  • Mordor Crows 6 Qo’noS Raiders 2

Great Quotes

  • "We don't want to have another repeat of a team like the Gungan "Wesa Mestas" joining the league and causing the kind of controversy that they did." -Justin
  • "We could see revenge of the Sith and the Jedi." -Tom

Guest Caller

  • Iyaz- Vulcan fan from Shi'Kahr


Preceded by:
"Agony and Ecstasy"
Flying and dying
Followed by:
"Revelations or relegations"