Two Insanely EASY Ash Pranks to Impress Everyone!

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Two Insanely EASY Ash Pranks to Impress Everyone!
Number 312
Broadcast Date March 5, 2014
Episode Length 10:38
Hosts Brian Brushwood
Guests David Rangel, David Rowyn, Brenna, Tiffany


Everyone loves a prank. Here are two super easy tricks that will make them look dumb and have everyone laughing their ashes off!

The Tender Caress

David sets up a game where participants try to make each other laugh by touching other faces.

Bad Advice with Brian Brushwood


Brian takes calls and dishes out some advice.

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Intro To Black Magic

David Rowyn applies some ash to the top of Brenna's hand, and rubs the ash away only to find that it has reappeared inside of her closed fist.

Wrap Up

Do me a favor, make sure to join us next week, because we're going to learn how to break the bank by literally breaking the bank. Is it a felony? I don't know, we'll find out. Spoiler alert, yes.

Great Quotes

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"The Secret Method to Always Win at DOTS!"
Two Insanely EASY Ash Pranks to Impress Everyone!
Followed by:
"Can YOU Figure Out This Black Box Trick?"