Turn Coffee Creamer Into A FLAMETHROWER!

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Turn Coffee Creamer Into A FLAMETHROWER!
Number 240
Broadcast Date October 17, 2012
Episode Length 13:44
Hosts Brian Brushwood
Guests Tall Beer

Revision3 Summary

Playing with fire never gets old! This week we learn how to create amazing jets of flame using ordinary matches and some powdered coffee creamer. Plus, Brian personally teaches yet another Scam School devotee how to eat fire!

Home Made Flamethrowers!

Brian creates magnificent pillars of fire by igniting animal fats in powdered coffee creamer! It results in a stream of combustible coffee creamer inflamed in long line of fire.

Burning the Fat


It's better than penicillin! Go to Netflix.com/scamschool for your free 30-day trial.

Passing the Torch

Brian teaches Michael, also known as Tall Beer, how to eat fire.

Next Week

And of course, next week make sure to join us because we're going to learn how to scam your way into having someone else write a book, and somehow you can make it a top 10, erotic best-selling e-book. That's crazy talk! That's not possible. Nobody could really scam their way into that... can they?

EDITORS NOTE: This, of course, references The Diamond Club novel.

Great Quote

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"Behind the Scenes of the World's Biggest Magic Special!"
Turn Coffee Creamer Into A FLAMETHROWER!
Followed by:
"SUPER HUMAN STRENGTH and A Coin Puzzle Challenge!"