Orchestrated brain surgery

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Orchestrated brain surgery
Number 2302
Broadcast Date AUGUST 18, 2014
Episode Length 1:03:44
Hosts Tom Merritt
Guests Alex Hanna

Alex Hanna joins the show to talk about the leaked Moto 360 watch, Twitter messing with your stream, and updates tot he Xbox One that make it easy for Microsoft to take your money.



MacRumors spotted some pictures on Chinese website Dianxinshouji.com of a purported Apple lightning cable with a reversible USB end. The USB 3.1 Type C cables will come with reversible USB on both ends. But these alleged Apple cables fit into a current Type A USB port by making the connector thinner
Ars Technica reports a company called Tripp Light offers reversible USB Type-A cables.
Mashable reports that a Best Buy spokesperson confirmed that a page for the Moto 360 was accidentally published on the store’s website over the weekend. The page listed the device for $250 with a 1.5-inch round backlit LCD face and voice-activation. It would run Android Wear and be water resistant as well as available in silver or gray. The Moto 360 is expected to be announced at Motorola’s September 4th press event in Chicago
ReCode reports Twitter started experimenting with surfacing posts favorited by people you follow, making favorite work like retweet. The favorite is used by a lot of people to bookmark something or sometimes to silently compliment or even be sarcastic about a post. Making it work like retweet seems like it would be redundant to make it work like retweet.
TechCrunch reports US hospital operator Community Health Systems announced that attackers have stolen about 4.5 million records with patient names, addresses, birth data, phone numbers and SSNs. The data seems to have been stolen between April and June of this year. Community Health Systems will offer identity theft protection to all the patients whose data was stolen.
GigaOm reports that Softbank announced Monday it will be the exclusive carrier for a new smartphone from Sharp, called the Aquos Crystal. The phone will come in two screen sizes, 5-inch 720p and 5.5-inch 1080p both with a Snapdragon 400 CPU and 1.5 GB of RAM. Both phones have almost no bezel meaning the front is almost all screen. The 5.5-inch Aquos Crystal X will arrive in December with the 5-inch version coming to Japan August 29th. The Acquos Crystal is expected to be available later in the US on Softbank-owned Sprint.
GigaOm reports Uber is no longer banned in Berlin as the company has lodged an appeal. The prohibition of Uber is suspended until the case is resolved. Uber did not stop operations after the ban was issued last week.
Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen has a new game called Swing Copters. The Verge says the game will be free to play with a small ad or dollar to play ad free.You essentially tap to lift a character with a propeller hat up and avoid swinging hammers. Touch Arcade says the game should be available in the iOS app store on Thursday.
Everybody who’s been yelling that Nintendo should make games for mobile can shut up now. Bloomberg affiliate the Pokemon Co. announced a trading card game for the iPad. There is already a Pokemon trading card game for the desktop. The iPad game will come to the US and Europe though a release date was not announced.
Engadget has a great story about a violinist named Roger Frisch who started experiencing tremors, but only while he was playing. Doctors determined that he needed a brain pacemaker, but in order to know exactly where to implant the device, they needed a little musical assistance. The patient stayed awake during the surgery and played violin with a special bow, equipped with a motion-tracking device– when Frisch played steadily the surgeons knew their equipment was in the right place. The operation was a success, a link to the video will be in the show notes, or you can just wait for Season 11 of Grey’s Anatomy.

News From You

How-t-Geek article about how shocked, shocked they are to find fake versions of programs in the Windows Store. The smokingest of the guns they found were several links to fake VLC media players that charged you money and then just linked you to the real VLC app. They found loads of other examples, some that don’t even have Windows Store versions like iTunes. Microsoft certifies Windows store apps for content compliance before making them available and has offered promotions where they paid developers $100 for every app accepted in the store. Howtogeek did not claim any of the apps had malware.
Submitted by jaymz668
Are you feeling a bit confused? Do you lay awake at night, wondering whether all those terrible new stories in your feed are legitimately outrageous or just outrageously funny? Well, you may be suffering from Satire Awareness Deficiency. Or as it’s know around here, SAD. According to Mashable, Facebook is testing out a new tag to help SAD users distinguish fact from funny. How will it work? The tag will put the word SATIRE in front of SATIRICAL ARTICLES from publications such as The Onion. But how you ask, will the algorithm determine which articles from The Onion are satiric, and which are legitimate reviews of your new TV show? Don’t worry, if there’s anyone I trust to know comedy, it’s an algorithm.
Submitted by tm204
LinuxGizmos post about a non-profit spinoff from the UNiversity of Cambridge called lowRISC is developing an open-source 64-bit SoC that hopes to enable fully open hardware from the CPU to the development board. The SoC is based on the new 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture out of UC-Berkely. RISC-V comapres favorably to the 32-bit ARM Cortex-A5. You can find out more at http://www.lowrisc.org/
Submitted by metalfreak



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Orchestrated brain surgery
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