User talk:Joatmon

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Revision as of 15:54, 18 April 2017 by Joatmon (talk | contribs) (→‎Vodbot)
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a second (new ) info box template design area


Irc Bots

Both bots are running on a Raspberry Pi 3 using Eggdrop - tcl/tk - and other packages.


Primary channel: #joatmon

Purpose : General info bot

Commands and functions:

!!google <query> = returns first search result from google and returns it to chat
!!weather <zip code or city state or common name> = returns weather and climate data for given area via weatherunderground
!!menu = brings up a listing of pre defined text response triggers
Alexa Will automatically parse youtube ( longform not shortlink ) links and retrieve titles

Quote system

!addquote <quote> : To add a quote.
!quote <quote number> [#chan] : To display a quote.
!quoteinfo <quote number> [#chan] : To display some informations about a given quote.
!delquote <quote number> : To delete a quote.
!randquote [#chan] To display a random quote.
!lastquote [#chan] To display the last quote.
!findquote [-all/#chan] <search argument(s)> : To look for a quote.

Rss Fetch

( beta feature , currently returning extra characters if not properly formed )
Currently retrieving feed entries for :

@shwood , @justinryoung , @dctvalerts, @J0atm0n , and the dctv vod archive

use !!rss for a pm listing of individual triggers to use for the last 3 entries of each feed


Auto-Voice for Top Players This Week & This Month.

trivon = starts trivia
trivoff = stops trivia
~ hint
q repeat question
.stats <nick>


Primary channel: #vodsquad

Vodbot will auto parse (punch the users) poodle ( youtube link ) and retrieve the title of the video.

 <Vodbot>Vodbot punches Joatmon's poodle and finds the youtube title: "The People's Court 1981-1993 theme music"

Purpose :
To supply news related to video on demand services, streaming providers, and related technologies.

!!menu to list predefined auto response triggers ( in a menu style listing )


( beta feature , Story links have been disabled until fixed due to the length )
!rss will cause vodbot to send you a message with the available rss triggers to give you the last 3 entries

Twitter feeds: @thevodsquad , @dcmovieparty

DCTV VOD archive rss
and currently fetches feed entries for these google alerts using the terms :
Video on demand
netflix news
hulu news
roku news
amazon prime video
apple tv
Streaming video
Sling tv
youtube tv
Cord Cutting news