Baby Panda Terror

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Officer Fudge's Mystery Package of Death!
Number 27
Broadcast Date Dec 17, 2010
Episode Length 54:23
Hosts Andrew Mayne, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Adobeshop rendition of Brian And Justin's police officer alter egos by Weird Things listener Petefic

We complete the epic adventure of Spiro & The Fudge when our law enforcement tandem attempts to utilize their keen detective skills and uncomfortably close relationship in solving a murderous mystery in mob-controlled Italy. Brian tries to outsmart a pack of wild pandas, and fails. Andrew recommends a new complimentary IKEA service: severed animal heads.


Great Quotes



Preceded by:
"Officer Fudge's Mystery Package of Death"
Baby Panda Terror
Followed by:
"Public Parks Private Parts"