Internet Hosts Are Whack

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Internet Hosts Are Whack
Number 101
Broadcast Date November 8, 2011
Episode Length 1:08:22
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Daniel Garcia, Tara Strong, Jackie Lipson

This week, amazingly talented voice actress Tara Strong is here, we are finally reunited with Danny Garcia and then Jackie Lipson performs for us.


Opening Video

You and Your Johnson

Hartman House

The Hartman House charity is donating to families in need for thanksgiving. Go to to help out.

Name That Autocorrect

Inspired by, Justin and Tara will read a conversation, then Brian and Danny will have to guess what they meant to say.

1) "... horny house."

  • Brian- Haunted house- Correct

2) "Sweetie there's a 1/10 chance that any given guy is fat."

  • Danny- Gay- Correct

3) "I'm super stoned for the movie."

  • Brian- stoked- Correct

4) "Yes! And can i just tell you? He is fucking HIllary."

  • botched question

4.5) "So then you blew us off for black ppl?"

  • Another botched question


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Tony, Edit this out

The original segment (which you can find after this section) was such a trainwreck (not the band), that it was replaced by the aftershow in podcast version

Creating Characters

Justin, Brian and Danny are each going to come up with one aspect about a person, and Tara has to come up with a voice for that character.

  1. 80 year old man, likes to lick strange rocks, and is secretly a thief.
  2. 5 year old girl, perpetually angry, gun nut.
  3. 30-something magician, from Japan, at a spelling bee.


Go to to learn more.

Summer Music Series

Jackie Lipson is here to perform an original song. You can find more about her on her Facebook, at her website or on twitter, @JackieLipson.

New Champion! Woo!

Great Quotes

Fun Facts

  • The show title came from this tweet by Tara during the show.
  • This is the first appearance by Danny Garcia since BBLiveShow 24
  • Tara was NOT the voice of a pumpkin from Spiderman.





Preceded by:
"Still Not Cancelled"
Internet Hosts Are Whack
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"