After show

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The after show is the live stream that takes place after the real "episode" of BBLiveShow or NSFW. An after show begins when the recording ends.

Many after shows begin with Rapid Fire by Justin Robert Young. The aftershow itself is completely unpredictable and usually driven by discussions in the chat room.

Not every live stream is followed by an after show. One of the more common reasons for the absence of an after show would be when Brian has to get up early the next morning to catch a flight or if Brian is broadcasting from a remote location. Technical issues have also been found to discourage after shows.

After shows are less likely after an NSFW broadcast due to the necessity of having someone at the TWiT Cottage on TWiT's end of the broadcast. In rare instances, the NSFW after show has been moved over to the BBLiveShow Ustream feed and chat room. These are dubbed BBLiveAfterShows

Some of BBLiveShow's most epic moments have happened during the after show. Since the after show is not recorded, people have had to have been watching live to witness them. On very rare occasions, such as the Black people aren't slaves in America song, some of these moments have been captured by fans.