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The adobeshop that started it all

Sometimes, one can catch funny freezeframes of TWiT hosts. In this case, some of the Chatrealm got a screencap of Tom Merritt with his eyes closed and mouth open in such a way that suggested he was meditating, and added hands at the bottom.

Then it evolved into a YouTube video of the same screencap, with a pseudo-Gregorian chant dubbed in. Brian was so amused by it that he added it to his collection of visual gags. Soon, a Sarah Lane version followed, and while one featuring Iyaz Akhtar was also made, Brian requested a version that made Iyaz look more like the Devil.

The Chant videos are most often used as a type of rimshot... or just to fill in an awkward pause.

The Chants

Tom Merritt

Sarah Lane

"Devil" Iyaz Akhtar

Other Chants

Chatrealm regular J0atm0n proposed additional chants of Brian, Justin and Leo.

The "Brushwood Brum":

Justin's chant has a Middle Eastern sound:

King Leo's chant is rightly regal: