Fine Dining scam!

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Fine Dining scam!
Number 81
Broadcast Date September 30, 2009
Episode Length 8:12
Hosts Brian Brushwood

An impossible riddle with an unbeatable payoff!

Revision3 Summary

We've done puzzles here on Scam School before, but never have we had one with such an unfair setup, or such a surprising solution.

Setup: In any restaurant with a tablecloth, set a dime between two nickels, and set an upside-down glass balanced on the two nickels.

The Challenge: get the dime out from it's prison without touching the glass or the coins, AND without touching anything with another object.

Note: I like to add the extra red herring of saying they can use "anything on the table" to make it work. That way, they'll spend more time focusing on random objects, and less time thinking outside the box.

The Payoff: using your fingernail, scratch at the cloth in front of the coin, and the dime will slowly "walk" its way out of the glass! It looks like it's moving all on its own, and is a very satisfying payoff the wager.

Set up and rules of challenge

Brian introduces the riddle and sets up the rules. Can you get the coin out of the glass trap?

Challenge attempts by guests

Watch some creative methods of getting the coin out of the glass trap!

Brian's big reveal and explanation

Brian explains the results of the fine dining trick


Next Week

Next week, we're going to be learning how to counterfeit your very own Monopoly money. But until then, I'll see you on Mediterranean Avenue.

That's right motherfucker! And that's how you close...A SCAM SCHOOL!



Preceded by:
"The Ultimate Card Cheat"
Fine Dining scam!
Followed by:
"The Heist II"