I Would Like A Coke

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I Would Like A Coke
Number 205
Broadcast Date November 19, 2013
Episode Length 1:13:36
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests OMG Chad

This week we help Chad get some new YouTube subscribers, Chad starts some feuds and we play a little Trial By JuRY.


Opening Video

Paprika & Blueberry Peel - hot!

OMG Telethon!

Chad has a goal of getting 10,000 YouTube subscribers by the end of 2013. How's that going? Well its November 19th, and he's at 2,944. So Brian and Justin want to help him achieve his goal. They want you to head on over to YouTube.com/OMGchad and hit subscribe. The goal for the night was to get to 4000 subscribers. "But BBPedia Editor! NSFW doesn't have 1000+ live viewers that will all subscribe to some YouTube channel!", you're surely thinking. Alright… yes… that's true. No need to be an ass. Just make multiple accounts. I subscribed three times. What's your problem?


Go to Shutterstock.com and use the code "NSFW1113" to get 30% off new accounts.

YouTube Feuds

To try and get some publicity for his channel, Chad is going to start some YouTube feuds.

Feuds started with:


Head over to NSFW.Ting.com and you can get $25 your first phone purchase.

Trial By JuRY

This is a game where the Chatrealm submits videos, Brian plays them and Justin talks about them.


Wait a minute! Chad doesn't know about Rob Ford

Rob Ford be crazy


It's better than a blanket and sticks it to the sticker!

Go to ProXPN.com/TWiT and use the code "NSFW" to get 20% off the lifetime of your account. That's less than $5 per month!


For the first time in who knows how long, we had a full on Picnic. Apparently wirecast got all frozed up or somethin. Interesting how the best, most awesome, HD episodes have technical problems.

Go Home Santa, You're Drunk

Justin's coming out with an ebook/audiobook of short stories centered around Christmas and Santa. Some stories are funny, but a lot of them are just weird and creepy. You can head over to Bit.ly/gohomesanta to sign up for the mailing list. You can also listen to one of the creepy stories ("Christmas Florida") on the Jury Podcast. You can buy it for an yet-undetermined amount of money.

Great Quotes

  • "Playing Pinterest on the iPad." - Justin
  • "She's triple H. And it's time to play the game." - Justin

Fun Facts

  • This was the mid-episode picnic in like… FOREVER[Citation Needed]
  • The titular joke was edited out of the final episode (probably a copyright issue). Watch it here.





Links & Downloads

Preceded by:
"Call Me Lando"
I Would Like A Coke
Followed by:
"Enjoy the Pleasure Garden"