Viceroys in the Kingdom of Awesome

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Viceroys in the Kingdom of Awesome
Number 321
Broadcast Date April 22, 2020
Episode Length 01:15:59
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Tech upgrades abound and we're getting smoother and sweeter than ever. Brian commits a fatherly magic trick. A new game, "J-Party" and your emails to [email protected]. Dem titties!

Send in your clips of TV doing a shittier show than us:

Justin's Raise The Dead audiobook is now available on Audible!

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Powered by our friends at DogHouse Systems. Get a 250GB SSD when you buy a computer at and use promo code ROGUE.

And obviously support us on Patreon thanks we love you


Last Time

Time on Night Attack

More Upgrades

Last week they debuted using the Opal voip device to reduce the ducking between the hosts, this week Brian is using a set of in-ear monitors. As well apparently all internet service providers are overloaded.

You're in trouble now

Brian appeared like a magical father genie at home when one of his daughters was in trouble with Bonnie.

The show is not cancelled

Justin was supposed to go see a Rage Against the Machine show on this date, but due to pandemic reasons the show was cancelled - so at least there can be a Night Attack.

Lots of outfits are trying to do "stream from home" situations, and it was observed that lots of much more famous people are not able to pull off a professional stream like Night Attack. They used the example of Chris Jerico trying to interview Kevin Smith by holding up a laptop to a skype screen. Brian and Justin asked the audience to find examples of bad streaming form for Ten Things I Hate About Your Stream under the hashtag ""#puttputt" or this google doc set up by Renaigu.

Support Night Attack

Use Patreon. Get the preshow and postshow in your own secret RSS feed. You might get your name shouted out in the Name Chant Corner Hour like patron JESSE GONZALES.

Use Twitch, Get your name shouted out in the bits n' subz minute. This week Bonnie got tapped to give the totally true story and nailed it.

This episode the THE BIT BOSS was JORDANDEMOSS.

JeoParty Game

It's a game from Biocow. They're given a trivial answer, and must guess the question.

Diamond Time


Has MC Allergy ever heard of allergies to canola oil? (It could be soy, check with your doctor). A listener found Night Attack from a magic shop and iTricks. Brian taught Daniel Garcia the trick that he used on Scam School episode one. Justin related some stories of running iTricks in the early days. What are some recommended audiobooks? (Justin says Primary Colors and the Game Change books, Bryce mentioned "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", Brian mendioned The Rational Optimist, Abundance, The Better Angels of our Nature). Send your mail to mail at night attack dot tv.


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go toº and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Sea of Crust"
Viceroys in the Kingdom of Awesome
Followed by:
"Judicious Towel"