Win this Math Race EVERY Time!

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Win this Math Race EVERY Time!
Number 320
Broadcast Date April 30, 2014
Episode Length 10:45
Hosts Brian Brushwood
Guests Diamond Jim Tyler, Danielle


Add up numbers like a whiz! Or is it a trick? It's probably a trick, guys.

Calculator Calisthenics

Jim busts out some random number generators, and races Brian and Danielle to add up the numbers. Is Jim a mental math savant? Does he have fingers that directly access phone circuitry, allowing him split-second computations? Or is he just cheating, as is the Scam School tradition?

Don't Mind That I'm In Your Bathroom


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Free Beer Generators

Jim breaks down what the deal is with these sneaky number generators.

Gentle Piercings

Danielle puts her newly found calculator skills to the test.

Wrap Up

We're going to learn next week, how you can make fine wine with nothing but grape juice, a 9V battery, and a hundred dollar bill that you go to buy you some wine. Why would I make anything? That's more work!


Brian, "I want to make it as hard as possible."

Great Quotes

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"PSYCHIC Cards Against Humanity!"
Win this Math Race EVERY Time!
Followed by:
"Easy Secret to Fake Strength and Punk Friends!"