But First, The Weather!

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But First, The Weather!
Number 112
Broadcast Date April 12, 2016
Episode Length 1:09:01
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests Bonnie Brushwood, Andrew Mayne, Peter J. Wacks

Authors, Andrew Mayne and Peter J. Wacks join us to write a grim tale of two Taco Bell employees who climb the corporate ladder by way of cannibalism.


Cold Open

Bonnie, Bryce and Justin are confused by a YouTube voice over guy.

Remember that Mr. Show Bit?

Brian started out the show by doing a voice that reminded him of a character from the Law School sketch from Mr. Show. Interestingly enough, the professor in the sketch is the same dude that plays Chuck McGill in Better Call Saul and Bob Odenkirk (dude who plays Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman) is one of the students. Crazy!

Thanks Brian for unearthing this amazing coincidence! HOORAY BRIAN!

Man, Steven Cogswell is Great

Every so often a Chatrealmer named Steven Cogswell will put together a custom musical accompaniment for a bit that Justin and Brian riffed. If you've followed the show for a while, you've SURELY heard some of his songs. This week, he released "Separate Bathtub Heavens" and "Champagne".

You can find all of his work at awtfy.com and all of his Night Attack related songs at awtfy.com/nightattack.


The Patreon is at $1,526. If you want to become a patron, head on over to Patreon.com/NightAttack.

Justin and Bonnie agree that they need to make a new Patreon video. Brian says "s'great". Justin remarked that they look like a "direct farm-to-market saleswoman and the Brazilian immigrant".

Be on the lookout for more "weekly" "comedy" "mixtapes".

Also be on the lookout for details on a live Night Attack in the Bay Area in the first two weeks of May. Will YOU be there? I will!

We Got Authors!

Oh man, Andrew Mayne and Peter J. Wacks are here! Do we have video yet? Uhh… Andrew Mayne! Thriller Award finalist! ...still no video? Ok, he's got a new book out called Station Breaker! How's Andrew's video coming? No? He also has one of the top-selling writing books on Amazon called "How to Write a Novella in 24 Hours"! Ugh, still no video from Andrew? Well… He's also part of the current Humble Book Bundle. You can get Andrew's two Chronological Man novellas along with like 20 other sci-fi books. They have a name your price model. You can literally get Andrew's books for $0.01. If you pay the average purchase price, you can get more books and if you pay at least $15, you get EVERYTHING.

It's a cool thing. Head over to Bit.ly./nightattackbundle.

Hey, We Got Authors, Right? Let's Write Something

These author dudes, are legitimate award nominees, so let's write a dumb story with them on the show. Our protagonists, Gargle and Ken, work in a west Texas Taco Bell. They're two college boys that dream of working in the Taco Bell lab cooking up new delicious creations. In their spare time they've come up with and amazing new item, but they've run out of ground beef. On the radio, they hear news of a murderer on the loose in town. A while later, a mysterious man enters the Taco Bell matching the criminal's description. Gargle and Ken spill some water and push him into it making it look like the guy slipped and fell. The dude bleeds out and the two bros high five. That's when the news announces that the murderer has been apprehended. They just killed some random dude. They make the guy into a secret sauce and win the contest to become Taco Bell scientists thanks to their "Murderito".

Ok, time for the sequel

The guys are livin' large, they have their own Murderito Taco Bell spin-off chain of restaurants. Everything's great, but they're running out of murder meat. One day, in walks the man they thought they had murdered. Someone figured out how to clone the man so they murder him again to make more Murderitos. It's like the Prestige.

  • Murderito: The Fourth Meal is Blood
  • Murderito: You Picante Stop the Killing

The Never Ending Diamond Club Novel

Chatrealm started writing the story in a Google Doc. Check it out.

Andrew suggested that they just turn it into a never-ending book. Everyone just adds to it for eternity.


Hey, there's also four previously unreleased Frank Herbert novels in that Humble Bundle? You should really check it out. Bit.ly./nightattackbundle Just click it a bunch.

Andrew Was Justin's Field Trip Chaperone

Andrew and Justin met way back in like 1998 when Justin was in high school. Andrew was a chaperone for high school students and he took Justin and friends to a renaissance faire.

Diamond Time

If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!

Movie Draft Chat

  • So uh, Chainsawsuit spent $26 to make $300 million and Night Attack spent $33 to make… $30 million. -Brian
    • Not as good -Justin
    • Not great -Brian
  • Reviews are good for Civil War. Spider-Man is in it a lot apparently and he's the best part of the movie. -Justin

Hatting the System

The primary voting is over and the podcasts we're going to push have been chosen. You can head over to hat.t2t2.eu to see the final slate of podcasts. Nominations start on April 15th and end on the 30th. Each person can only nominate a podcast once, so just make sure you nominate the slate of podcasts sometime in that 2 week window over at podcastawards.com.

Belt Winner

Great Quotes

  • "... there's no u. Oh, y-o-u." - Brian being confused about what AWTFY stands for (it's "And With That, Fuck You")
  • "... Sword and Shield…" - Justin, meaning "Sword and Laser" during Diamond Time

Fun Facts

  • Is it just me, or has Justin taken his shirt off a lot while on air?




Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to Patreon.com/NightAttack and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Diplomagic Immunity"
But First, The Weather!
Followed by:
"Mike McCluskey"