Shwoodler on the Roof

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Shwoodler on the Roof
Number 325
Broadcast Date May 21, 2020
Episode Length 01:23:54
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Brian's on the rooftops, click, click, click. Is a 30 year old sketch about gays progressive or retroactively cancelled? We ask a gay. Plus a new game, "Florida or NOrida?" Hoosier Daddy(TM, Bryce Castillo 2020)

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Last Time

Last Time on Night Attack

TV Tray Redux

The followup to last week's tv tray discussion regarding Matt Donnelly's movie "Hitting the Nuts" was actually resolved on an episode of Night Attack Happy Hour 2020-May-15.

The Roof is on Fire

Modern Rogue World Headquarters has another network connection solution, this time a LTE antenna pointed at a tower. It was rock solid during the show. Also there were pictures of Brian on the roof aiming the antenna on the roof.

What is Bryce Watching

Bryce Castillo has never seen the sketch "Men on Films" from the sketch comedy tv show In Living Color. so they watched one to see how the sensibilities of 90's humor hold up. Is it Woke, Progressive, or Cancelled?

The consensus was that the sketch was low-hanging fruit but was progressive enough that it held up okay.

Bonnie did suspect that one character had a fake prosthetic chest, but they did not. Also Ricardo Montalban's chest in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn was real.

Support Night Attack

If you use patreon, support Night Attack at You definitely will get the preshow and postshow in your RSS reader but you might also get your name shouted out in the Name Chant Corner Hour. like patron JOHN PINKERTON.

If you use twitch, support Night Attack at You can get your name shouted out during the twitch subs n' bitz minute. This week Bryce narrated the story.

This episode's the THE BIT BOSS was JORDANDEMOSS.

Florida or No-rida Game

It's a game from RJ. A bunch of news stories about weird people doing weird things. The question is: are they stories from Florida, or from somewhere else?

Diamond Time


A listener hosted a Windows 7 party at launch and showed off pictures of some of the gear Microsoft would send you for having one. Another listener gives a recipe for making home made wings. A listener found Night Attack via Chris Pirillo. Send your mail to mail at night attack dot tv.


  • "Justin is the blackest person of the four of us" - Brian


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go toº and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Cheezers Beezers"
Shwoodler on the Roof
Followed by:
"Well Then, Maybe You Shouldn't"