Jason Howell

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Revision as of 21:55, 7 December 2010 by PDelahanty (talk | contribs)
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Jason doing what he does best.

Jason Howell is a podcast producer living in San Francisco. He started at CNet, working the board for Buzz Out Loud. Then in the summer of 2010, he moved to TWiT to join his former co-host Tom Merritt on Tech News Today. He also works the board for other shows on the TWiT Network as well, such as FrameRate and occasionally NSFW.

He goes by the name Raygun01 on Twitter and IRC

On the first time working the board for NSFW, he sent in his own videos for the movie festival and swept!

In fall 2010, his wikipedia page was taken down by the the sites liberal editors. Many commentators have stated that this confirms their suspicions that the communists have taken over. He supposedly wasn't relevant enough, but he is always relevant enough for the BBPedia.

