Pope Fiction

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Pope Fiction
Number 167
Broadcast Date February 26, 2013
Episode Length TBD
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Ryan Connolly

The Troll Pope, Ryan Connolly, returns after a two-year absence to watch some goat videos, work out their movie idea and judge the trolls.


Opening Video

Living On a Prayer (Goat Edition) - Bon Jovi

Goat Songs

There has been a wave of combining popular songs with goats yelling. If you happen to be annoyed by this meme, then you're gonna HATE this episode, because everyone else thinks it's hilarious.


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Asshole Pope

A while back, Brian and Justin came up with an idea for a movie that they never talked about in public. It's a "King Ralph" type story and it's called "Asshole Pope". The movie goes a bit like this:

So the Pope is retiring and the College of Cardinals has the task of choosing the next Pope. Because of some recent events in America, the Cardinal from Boston was not invited to the College of Cardinals. Then when the Cardinals are doing the white smoke/black smoke dance, a meteor comes down and kills them all. The only remaining Cardinal in the world is the representative from America who now has an axe to grind with the Catholic Church. He chooses the "Asshole Pope": Andrew Dice Clay.


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Troll Pope

Ryan Connolly is the one true Troll Pope and he is here to judge whether or not people are trolls.

  • Christian - He had a couple coworkers that hated each other. So he randomly put some garbage in one of their mailboxes and then the next day put garbage in the other's mailbox. They jumped to the obvious conclusion that it was the other person and the whole thing escalated from there. Absolved!
  • ZombieJesus - He is a TA for a college class. Today they had a test and while they were taking a test, he would just randomly choose someone to stare at. Then when they would look up and make eye contact and he would continue to stare into their soul. His only real goal was to mess with them and get them off their game. Absolved!
  • Promo Dragon - He LOVES the Ad Dragon. He was in bed with a guy named Justin and he put hot sauce oh his tongue. No ruling
  • Person Man - He had to talk to his employer and his boss asked "You're not leaving are you?", he said "No.", but then later got a better offer and told his boss that he WAS leaving. - Condemned - not trolling enough!
  • Justin - He worked in a fast food restaurant around the time that Amy Winehouse died and the shake machine burnt out. He taped a sign to it that read "Burnt out and dead like Amy Winehouse." Condemned - not trolling enough!
  • Guy Who's Name is Unknown - He was the host of the morning announcements on the tv at school. His co-host had the reputation of being a bit of a slut and he turned to her and asked "Hey, did you lose anything over the weekend?" Absolved, who cares
  • ZombieJesus - He worked at the bookstore and employees had a system where they could reserve books by writing the book title and their name on a piece of paper. He and his coworkers then started to write each other's names reserving very inappropriate books. The whole series of jokes culminated with somebody reserving
  • PadreSJ - "There was this one time... I faked my knowledge about technology, and I managed to ingratiate myself into an IPTV network. Totally pulling it out of my butt, I managed to get my own show because I pretended to be a Catholic Priest. I’ve now video bombed half the programs on the network and they actually think I’m a “nice guy.” To this day, they think I know something about
  • Spali Ags - She got into a car accident with a woman that was going to take her mom to get a biopsy. The woman was really riled up about it. When they parted ways, the caller's parting line was "Hope it's benign!" Condemned

Belt Winner


Great Quotes

  • Justin - "That's not the "-omo" word I would use to describe the dragon."
  • Justin - "I'm not Saint Brushwood, I won't spread the other cheek!"

Fun Facts

  • Justin DEFINITELY yelled "FUCK" during the show. Brian didn't notice... but the chat did.


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Preceded by:
"A Festival of Crabs"
Pope Fiction
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"