Hotel Rwanda for Dogs

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Hotel Rwanda for Dogs
Number 5
Broadcast Date December 22, 2009
Episode Length 1:06:25
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Korey Coleman, Martin Thomas
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Hotel Rwanda for Dogs was the fifth episode of NSFW. Brian and Justin talk about the best movies of '09 and years gone by with special guests Korey Coleman and Martin Thomas of


Special guests from

Brian Brushwood and Justin Robert Young invite on Korey Coleman and Martin Thomas aka Leon from to discuss their favorite movies of the year, Quentin Tarantino, and their favorite movies that noone else likes. Movies discussed include:

  • Precious
  • The Messenger
  • District 9
  • Hotel for Dogs
  • Avatar
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Star Trek
  • Inglorious Basterds
  • Jackie Brown
  • Resevoir Dogs
  • Training Day
  • Tron
  • From Dusk Till Dawn
  • Spiderman 2
  • Spiderman 3
  • Pinocchio
  • Magical Mystery Tour

The episode was sponsored by Ford SYNC.

New Champion! Woo!

  • "best movie 09" voting results:
    • Precious = 3.14%
    • The Messenger = 0.63%
    • District 9 = 62.26%
    • Hotel for Dogs = 36.48%
  • Best Movie of 2009 (as decided by Roger Chang):
    • Precious

Great Quotes

  • "It's the goddamn Enterprise in here!" -Korey Coleman
  • "I came into Brian's house and said to his wife, 'What's up, n*****?'" -Korey Coleman
  • "We'll get you a guy that is possibly a Mexican Jew Arab." (when referencing himself) -Justin

Fun Facts

  • Don Cheadle appeared in both Hotel Rwanda and Hotel for Dogs. Some suspect that Justin came up with the amalgamation "Hotel Rwanda for Dogs" and bid a crazy ₪50 in Where's Harry Potter? for Ironman 2 because he is secretly attracted to Don Cheadle.



Preceded by:
"World Record Episode"
Hotel Rwanda for Dogs
Followed by:
"The GTFO Awards"