This Week in Tech

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This week in tech is the TWiT network's flagship show and records live on Sundays. It regularly features Tom Merritt, Veronica Belmont, less regularly Brian Brushwood, and gladly only once Justin Robert Young. It stars Leo Laporte and a panel of his choosing.

When Brian is in town to shoot episodes of Scam School (usually every couple of months), he almost always visits the TWiT Cottage and appears on the show. Rarely, he will skype in from his home. Either way, these episodes tend to be much sillier than usual.

  • #189 "The Twitter Episode"
  • #192 "Kipple and Bits"
  • #208 "Hide The Boots"
  • #216 "It's Pimpin' Time"
  • #225 "Schmidt Happens"
  • #239 "Meat Up" (also includes Justin)
  • #243 "Eat a Hot Bowl of Nintendo Wiis
  • #248 "Drowning in Connectivity"
  • #252 "The Legend of Vuvuzela"
  • #259 "Next Stop, Gilbert Arizona"
  • #274 "I'll Take the Frisking"
  • #283 "Live From CES"
  • #284 "¿Dónde está Leo's Grave?"
  • #292 "Live From SXSW 2011"
  • #295 "Magical Hand Gesture"
  • #307 "I'm With Stupid" (Justin's first official guest appearance)
  • #308 "Upside Down It Says Boobies"
  • #318 "Screw You Darling"
  • #327 "I Shot the Shwood but I Did Not Shoot The JCD"
  • #339 "Somewhere Between Murder And A Messy Room"
  • #344 "Don't Eat the Goatee"
  • #347 "Dude, Tap It In The Bathroom"