How Roll Your Own Stripper Card Deck

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How Roll Your Own Stripper Card Deck
Number 243
Broadcast Date November 7, 2012
Episode Length 14:45
Hosts Brian Brushwood
Guests Ryan Horsfall

Revision3 Summary

In this episode, we show you how to make a stripper deck to perform a variety of card tricks, with the help of San Francisco magician Ryan Horsfall.

The Setup

Brian sets up a simple but effective trick that utilizes a stripper deck.


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Learning About Strippers

Brian breaks down the fundamentals of a stripper deck (including making your own).

Magician Perspective

Brian and Ryan discuss the effectiveness of using a stripper deck, its downfalls and simplistic advantages.

Next Week

Next week we have a math professor who's going to explain to us what advanced chess theorems are buried deep inside of Garfield comic books! But until then, I'm going to go to the bar.

Great Quote

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"Make Sweet Music At the Bar With Straws!"
How Roll Your Own Stripper Card Deck
Followed by:
"How to Eat Freaking Light Bulbs!"