Leaking Mr. Bitcoin.

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Leaking Mr. Bitcoin.
Number 2642
Broadcast Date DECEMBER 9, 2015
Episode Length 41:22
Hosts Tom Merritt
Guests Scott Johnson

We know who invented Bitcoin. Yahoo is selling itself. Apple TV service canceled. These three statements are inaccurate. Tom Merritt and Scott Johnson tell you why.



The Guardian reports Australian Federal police searched the home of tech entrepreneur Craig Wright yesterday at a home and office near Sydney. The AFP was assisting the Australian Taxation Office and said “The matter is unrelated to recent media reports regarding the digital currency bitcoin.” Way that statement? Hours before the search was conducted Wired and Gizmodo published articles describing leaked email alleged to be from Craig Wright’s account claiming that he was Satoshi Nakamoto the person who released Bitcoin on January 3, 2009.
Submitted by spsheridan
Yahoo has decided to hold on to its 15% stake in Alibaba and spin the rest of the company out into a new company. The process should take a year or more to complete. Some Yahoo shareholders worried that a spinoff of the Alibaba shares into a separate holding company would have adverse tax consequences. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said the spinoff will "provide more transparency into the value of Yahoo’s business.”
HTC posted a statement clarifying that its Vive VR headset will become commercially available in April of 2016. Pre-orders will bein at the end of February. HTC originally said it would ship the headset by the end of this year. HTC has distributed headsets to developers and creators and says it will make 7,000 more headsets available to developers at the start of next year. HTC will alsho show off the Vive at a developer conference in Beijing on December 18th and launch a new developer kit at CES.
Engadget reports you can now buy new exteriors for Google’s OnHub router made in partnership with Tp-Link. Black-grey and white-gold, exteriors are available in the Google Store for $29 and a wood one is available for $39. Google is also making CAD files and 2D outlines available for people who want to print their own exteriors at onhubmakers.withgoogle.com
Apple has never announced any facts about a possible TV service. Reporters have said a lot of unattributed things though. And CBS CEO Les Moonves has likely said the most. Well now Bloomberg reports the unofficial spokesperson for an Apple TV service told the Business Insider Ignition conference “I think they pressed the hold button.” Moonves still expects skinny TV bundles though saying, “This will happen. It has four major networks and 10 cable networks, let’s say, and the price point will be in the $30s, $30 to $35, $40 maybe. People will not be spending money on channels they don’t want to watch."
According to a study led by Binghamton University's Celia Klin, ending text messages with a period is perceived as less sincere. The researchers presented 126 undergraduates with a series of either text messages or handwritten notes. The period did not register as insincerity in handwritten notes. Klin's follow-up research, which hasn't been published yet, shows that exclamation points seem more sincere than no punctuation at all.
Google and NASA announced their performance findings on the D-Wave X2 quantum computer they jointly purchased 2 years ago. Ars Technica reports that using quantum annealing for an optimization problem involving 945 binary variables the X2 is said to be 100 million times faster compared to a conventional single core computer. Google’s head of Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Hartmut Neven, said the results were very encouraging but “more work remained to turn quantum enchanced optimization into practical technology.”
Submitted by tglass1976
The executive European Comission presented a proposal Wednesday to require online subscription providers like Netflix, Sky and Canal+ to allow subscribers to access their home subscriptions anywhere int he 28 member states.The EC expects a time limit could be set on the allowance. Reuters reports the the Commission says it does not want to introduce a pan-European license any time soon.
BizTechAfrica reports an Ipsos study shows cross-border online shopping growing in African countries. 47% of online shopping in Nigeria is done internationally. About a third of Nigeria’s online shoppers spend with South African companies. Nigeria has the most online shoppers followed by South Africa and Kenya.


Pick of the Day

My pick of the day... with some slight reservations (i'll get into that later) is the newly launched Patreon app for Android and iOS. In the app you can discover and subscribe to new projects and I took the opportunity to finally become a Patron of The Phileas Club. You can see info on projects you support, such as posts and comment on them (as I did today) and of course manage your account. Now for the caveats. The design of the app is lazy and seems to be a straight port of the iOS app. They need to update it to material design as that would help with the smoothness and usability of the app but also help its ratings in the play store. We android users savage anything that is not material design. PRAISE BE TO DUARTE :)

Love the show.
Submitted by Marlon "TheGuyFromTrinidad"
The best art app for iPad Pro and pencil
Submitted by Scott



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Leaking Mr. Bitcoin.
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"Pay-ple of Wal-Mart"