Kuhan is a regular on the chat room and was once one of the BBLiveShow's favorite users. He was a master of the Adobeshop and World Record holder who beat the World Record for "Fastest Time to Eat a Bag of Skittles". However, one day, he was late to an episode where he was meant to be a guest and Adobeshop master, he was late and thus became hated by the BBLiveShow community. It soon became a running joke within the show, and even when the hosts reversed the joke, most of the community continued to hate him. Kuhan soon became considered a demigod and believed to be the cause for everything, good or bad, to happen on the BBLiveShow, and then on NSFW.
He is also a host on the Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast and the Real View Mirror Podcast and can be found on twitter as @kuhan. You can find his voice on Dragonball Abridged
Catch Phrases
- Don't mess with the Kuhan!
- Kuhan Luke (a play on Cool Hand Luke)