Feeling Schwifty on Smartwatches

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Feeling Schwifty on Smartwatches
Number 2857
Broadcast Date SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Episode Length 37:00
Hosts Tom Merritt
Guests Justin Robert Young

Are smart watches already in decline? CNET notes few new Android watches are planned for 2016. Justin Robert Young and Tom Merritt discuss.


Top Stories

T-Mobile USA says iPhone 5SE, 6 and 6+ users may lose connection if they update to iOS 10. Fix is to reboot phone. And Twitter streams its first NFL game Thursday night. Now here are some more top stories.
Apple won't release first week sales numbers of iPhone 7s but did issue a statement Wednesday night that all iPhone 7 Plus models in all colors are sold out and will not be available in stores on launch day. The smaller iPhone 7 in jet black is also sold out and other colors will be in short supply.
BREAKING NEWS: Samsung has formally recalled the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in the US.
Apple has hired Time Warner cable executive Peter Stern as vice president of cloud services, reporting to Eddy Cue. Stern was involved in negotiations between Apple and Time Warner regarding a potential television service.
The CityBridge consortium terminated web browsing on its roughly 400 LinkNYC terminals. The terminals were set up in January in place of phonebooths, and provided free wi-fi, allowing people to place calls, charge gadgets, and use a browser on embedded tablets. The web browsing has led to complaints of people publicly viewing inappropriate, despite CityBridge installing OpenDNS web filtering. The company said it will review content filtering and better time limits on web browsing before restoring browsing.
Pandora announced an anticipated new music service Thursday called Pandora Plus. For $4.99 a month listeners get the option to skip and replay more songs and support for offline listening. The option replaces the Pandora One paid service. Free users will get the option to watch a video ad in exchange for more skips and replays. Pandora also announced an on-demand music service will arrive later this year.
The Justice Department has amended Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to allow the FBI to access multiple remote computers under a single warrant. The rules will allow investigation of botnets but do not include safeguards against damage to the networks being investigated. The rules go into effect December 1st unless Congress takes action to block them.
FBI Director James Comey told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies conference that he believed covering your camera with tape was a sensible thing to do despite being mocked for the practice. He likened it to locking car doors at night.



I'm pretty technical but yesterday I was trying to refer to the battery problem on the Note 7 and it took me three tries till I correctly said, "Samsung Galaxy Note 7". Coupled with the comment from yesterday where the person said diehard Note users are preordering Notes made me think maybe the Note sales won't be that bad but it could hurt the Galaxy and Samsung brands in general. I'm thinking of a muggle thinking, "That Galaxy 7 explodes you know..."
Sent by Allison Sheridan, NosillaCast Mac Podcast at http://podfeet.com



Preceded by:
"The Eagle Has Landed On The Drone"
Feeling Schwifty on Smartwatches
Followed by:
"A Tale of Two 7s"