Dead Shwood, Live Hitler

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Dead Shwood, Live Hitler
Number 30
Broadcast Date January 31, 2011
Episode Length 1:11:17
Hosts Andrew Mayne, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Brian is bent on forcing your digital remains to dance for eternity as the gang descend into a very curious cave. Justin travels back in time and attempts to hoodwink George Carlin into coming along for mad cap silliness. Andrew sets the trio on a course with a dreaded Nazi who prowls the coasts of Florida.


More to come, I swear.

Great Quotes

Andrew- Its totally appropriate because its science.

Justin- I don't know how you don't kill that monkey. Brian- Its not a killer, just a biter. Justin- How about it bites a bullet for justice?



Preceded by:
"Dead, Angry Birds"
Dead Shwood, Live Hitler
Followed by: