Space X Is The New Singularity

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Space X Is The New Singularity
Number 44
Broadcast Date September 29, 2011
Episode Length 53:52
Hosts Andrew Mayne, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Andrew has a mystery present for the boys which leads to Brian whispering to fish and Justin leering at strangers from a tree branch, waiting to strike. The gang finishes talking about faster than light neutrinos. The gang begins talking about faster than light neutrinos. Andrew struggles with his decision to go green. Brian’s theory on sacrificing his body for trans-planet teleportation is put to a disgusting test.



Upgrading Kidneys

A Weird Things listener is going in to have a kidney replaced and this gave Andrew the idea that all of the hosts should get a new kidney as well. So they will each go around and be given a kidney, the origin of which is decided by their co-hosts. First, Andrew gives Brian one of Aquaman's kidneys, which grants him the ability of very basic communication skills with underwater animals. Then Andrew gives Justin a panther kidney which grants him the ability to climb trees and attack small children. Brian and Justin gave Andrew a chlorophyll kidney that turns him green and allows him to absorb energy from the sun.

Mental Images

Recently a study was done where they put people in an MRI and showed them a few video clips and looked at the part of their brain that was stimulated and recorded the response. Then they decoded the brain's response and turned it back into a video outside of their head and the result was surprisingly accurate. Admittedly, the picture was nowhere near perfect, but you can clearly tell what the video should be. As this technology gets better, we can see what's going on in blind or deaf people's brain, or we could even record and re-watch our dreams.

On the topic of dreams, Brian mentions his recurring nightmare and the new twist that happened just the night before. His recurring dream is that he is on stage doing his magic act when everything goes wrong. None of his tricks are working, his sound system isn't set up and everyone starts to leave. But just the night before he had a dream where they were doing a live NSFW where the stream died and his computer wasn't working and eventually the entire Chatrealm got up and left.

Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos

To start, they admitted that this must be a mistake, but what if its not?!

The whole thing is really pretty complicated, but there are scientists that think that maybe neutrinos aren't going faster than light, they are just going straight through folds in dimensions that makes it seem like they are going faster than light. Justin, Brian and Andrew don't really care if it actually is going faster than light, they just want it to allow them to get to interesting new planets in our lifetime.

Space X Is The New Singularity

Recently, Space X filed for an application to do some vertical takeoff and vertical landing tests with their Falcon rockets.

Note: The day after the podcast was recorded, Elon Musk had a press conference and announced his plans to make the Falcon 9 rockets fully reusable where instead of the stages falling off and burning up in the atmosphere, they each make a vertical landing back on the ground.

Book Club




Great Quotes

Justin: "Run, of course, by the amazing Patrick Delahanty. Huge Weird Things fan and a lover of women."
Brian: "I'm sorry, you said a lover of what?"
Justin: "Women. He just lays 'em down. Like, okay. He's a stud."
Brian: "That's...uh..."
Justin: "He's just like... James Bond is like, 'Woah! Clear the way, Patrick, because...'"
Brian: "...and like, 'How am I supposed to fight the bad guys and bag the ladies when you're busy taking half my work...PDelahanty?'"
Justin: "Exactly. ...and then Patrick just, like, wipes his hand on his face."
  • Justin: That's not even a gift, that's murder!
  • Justin: "WHAAAT?! Are you guys weirding out behind my back?!"



Preceded by:
"Badassic Park Featuring Hitler and The Chocolate Factory"
Space X Is The New Singularity
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