FSL Tonight

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Artwork by Scott Johnson

FSL Tonight, is a podcast hosted by Justin Robert Young and Tom Merritt. The show is centered around a fictional sports league featuring teams and players from various sci-fi and fantasy series like The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Firefly. Since Tom and Justin are gigantic dorks for the stories and characters involved in the league, the show is laden with comedic references to the teams' back-stories.

The show's format is similar to many real-life fantasy sports shows in that they talk about the previous week's games as well as the upcoming match-ups. However, unlike most podcasts, FSL Tonight is actually completely scripted and, besides the championship episode, every episode is pre-recorded and released later.

Justin has described the podcast as being the nerdiest thing he has ever been involved with. Since the show is a mixture of sports and sci-fi/fantasy the show caters to a very small audience, however there are a good number of very passionate fans.

Many episodes include guests appearances by many of Tom and Justin's geeky friends like Scott Johnson, Paul and Storm, Len Peralta and Veronica Belmont. Most of the time the guests are playing a character, such as a reporter, a fan or even league Commissioner, Stan Lee.

The League

The FSL is a league that competes in a very poorly described sport. We are never told what the game actually is, but we can assume that it is something like a mix of soccer and football. Even the name "FSL" is never explained; while most agree that it stands for "Fantasy Sports League" Tom and Justin have both said that its just "FSL".


The league currently has eight teams split between the Eastern and Western Divisions. The season consists of 10 weeks, with the top two teams of each division going to the playoffs. The playoffs are only two rounds- the first being the division foes facing off and the second being the championship game.


At the end of the season, the two worst teams in the league are sent down to the minors and two minor league teams get brought up for the next season.

The Teams

Current teams

  • Western Division
    • Arrakis Barons
    • Winterfell Dire Wolves
    • Lannisport Lions
    • Rivendell Fellowship
  • Eastern Division
    • Serenity Valley Fireflys
    • Vulcan Velocity
    • Mordor Crows
    • Coruscant Empire

Former Teams

  • Alderaan Rebels
  • Qo'nos Raiders
  • Canton Jaynes

Current Champion

The Canton Jaynes!

Fun Facts

  • The opening music is "The Big Boom" by Jonathan Coulton
  • The show is hosted on Scott Johnson's Frogpants Network
    • Scott also created the "Dragon SportsTalk Radio" stinger and the FSL Logo
