I'm Doing This For You, Godzilla!

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I'm Doing This For You, Godzilla!
Number 244
Broadcast Date October 24, 2018
Episode Length 01:38:51
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests MikeTV

Kepler is nuts for nuts. Bryce has the voice of an angel. MikeTV pops in to brainstorm his collaboration music set at the TwitchCon Friday Stage Show ( https://www.musicstreamer.net/ ).

Don't miss Brian and Justin's TwitchCon panel "The Leftovers" Saturday 10/27/2018 at 3:00pm! https://twitchcon.com/schedule/the-leftovers-how-non-gaming-content-survived-after-jtv/



Kepler, Brian's dog, has two moves: he sits like a gentleman with his back to Brian expected to be pet, but he keeps looking over his shoulder to remind you that he's there and deserve pets. Also, he has an interesting relationship with a squirrel.

ScoopFest Post Mortem

ScoopFest was great, and Justin is the undisputed Pretty Prince of Mouths

During ScoopFest, Justin and Bryce went to a real japanese karaoke place. They went to Ninja Karaoke in Las Vegas. It was really good, they were really drunk, it was really late, and Bryce was really good at singing Japanese songs. Also Justin sings Toby Keith songs. There was a short video of Bryce singing, which became a callback several times during the episode. Brian, on the other hand, has watched "Cowboy Bebop" a lot

Brian injured his heel (not his hand) and went to the ER at the airport and got an x-ray. It's okay, they say he'll be fine. It still hurts a lot, though.

Patreon Name Chant Corner Hour Hour Hour

The guys said they want to go from being promise breakers to promise keepers, and that getting yourself into https://patreon.com/nightattack will probably most likely perhaps results in getting benefits besides the preshow and postshow in your own RSS feed. Also you might get your name shouted out in the name chant like JOSH LAWING. If you like twitch and subs n' bits you can subs n' bits to https://twitch.tv/nightattack during the twitch story minute.

This weeks ACORN BIT BOSS was JKING206.

TwitchCon and MikeTV

It's true, Night Attack is going to Twitchcon and presenting a panel. Also they are going to appear Back Bar Sofa in a music streamer event, and will appear with night attack favorite Mike TV. Brian, Justin and MikeTV brainstormed some ideas they could do for a short three-song set.

Diamond Time

Movie Draft

Brian is in the lead! Get full results at https://draft.diamondclub.tv/


"What is your favorite smurf?" (they tried to name a lot of smurfs). A picture of a cat ("DAT CAT ENJOYING DAT BREEZE!"). Should a transwoman listener tuck their trouser snake? (You do you, Pikachu). Send your mail and not your garbage to mail at night attack dot tv.


  • "Is he selling the acorns? [...] Does he have a Venmo or something?" - Justin, regarding Kepler's acorns
  • "I didn't know GAINSville was a prefecture in Tokyo" - Justin

Fun Facts

  • The stream and everything broke right after Diamond Time, but Bryce fixed it because he's good.
  • "Dat cat enjoying dat breeze" was a callback to Pot Mice Cat Breeze Music Fun
  • Turns out Mikey Neumann really likes the gambling.


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to Patreon.com/NightAttack and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Live from ScoopFest 2018"
I'm Doing This For You, Godzilla!
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"