Bad News Bro

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Bad News Bro
Number 147
Broadcast Date October 2, 2012
Episode Length 1:13:47
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Tall Beer

Bri Bri and Jurbs get between the sheets to talk about all sorts of silliness, then Tall Beer is here to let Justin sample some beers and get drunk.


Opening Video

Worst Movie Death Scene Ever

Between the Sheets

Bri Bri and Jurbs have had a string of pretty good shows that were all full of guests. Now it's time for them to phone in an episode. There are no official guests so Brian and Justin are going to spend most of the episode talking to each other.

What's In the Box?!

Earlier in the day, Brian received two mysterious black boxes addressed to both he and Justin. What could possibly be inside? Brian waited to open the boxes during the show. Turns out they both got boxes of goodies from Squarespace! How awesome of them; show them some love. Speaking of Squarespace...


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Brian's Show at a Brony Convention

If you don't know, there is a group of adults that love the show "My Little Pony" and call themselves "Bronies". Now if you think that this is a show that is for kids, but actually written for adults, you're wrong. This show is entirely meant for kids.

Tall Beer

Michael AKA "Tall Beer" drove two hours from the awesome locale of the southern San Francisco Bay Area to show off a couple of his great home brews. Tall Beer let Justin sample four of his beers, Justin described them and Brian came up with names for them.

  • Resolute, stout, it's a beer that keeps it's promises. It cares what children think, but not assholes.
    • Brian's guess: Pee In A Trash Can
    • Actual name: Rain Barrel Red
  • It lives in the forest and knows black magic. It is repeated often in fables. It wears a cloak. It doesn't have many friends other than trees. She's very weathered and she flies.
    • Brian's guess: Needlepoint Shiner
    • Actual name: Rabbit Slayer
  • This beer toured with James Brown and blew James Brown out of the water each night. He sang songs so beautiful that girls panties soaked and full off.
    • Brian's guess: Black Tears
    • Actual name: Communist Porter
  • This beer smells like if Teddy Grams were real people and they were working out real nice. These Teddy Grams had a hard life growing up and they work out in hopes that their lives will improve.
    • Brian's guess: Lady Bait
    • Actual name: Coronitas Mountain Orange Spice Mead


Bad news bro. The President is dead. JK, he's alive. However e-mail spam is a rapist. Mailroute is your savior.

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Belt Winner


Great Quotes

  • "We're gonna have Anal Penetration on the show tonight! Which is a hot new rap group out of St. Louis." - Justin
  • "What's in the black box? Two hands and somebody lost a ring." -Justin
  • "New York New York Maine, Kansas" -Justin

Fun Facts

  • See some of the "Bad News Bro" memes here.


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Preceded by:
Bad News Bro
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"