List of All the Shittier Inside Jokes

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This is a list of what Sunbun (and whoever else decides to edit this page ... and you're welcome to) thinks are other shitty Chatrealm inside jokes that aren't good enough to merit their own article.

Shwood's Black Son

2014. Magician Eion Scyne is revealed to be Brian Brushwood's illegitimate black son. Nominated for The Abel Hicklebottom award for The Advancement of Racism in 2014's Chatrealm Awards.

Austin, Texassssssss

Summer 2014. Gatowag fills in as Night Attack TD in the lovely metropolitan area known as Aussssssssstin, Texassssssssssss.

Goat Time

2014. Brian's "Go Time" chant turns into Goat Time. Sunbun would like to think he came up with it (check the tapes?). But he's probably not the first one.


Summer 2014. Sunbun drives the #FriendBus. Gatowag is not on the #FriendBus. May have involved a discussion about the Desert Bus marathon.

Let It Go

Summer 2014. Said whenever TWiT drama rears its head somehow, referring to the song from Frozen and Night Attack episode with the same name.

Is It Waterproof?

November 2014. During the pre-show for Clench-A-Butt, we learn whether the Fuck Me Silly and Fuck My Big Black Ass is waterproof.

Do Black People Like Mayo?

December 2014. In Rub Yolk on My Face and Cry About My Dad, Diamond Club wonders: do black people like mayonnaise?

Dan The Butt

2014-15. sebgonz and Tom Gehrke encounter some eight year old known as Dan The Man while playing Destiny. Natch, they decided to change his name to Dan The Butt (DTB), because he's kind of a butt. During the same Twitch stream they also met CootermcFurBurger (CFB)


2015. neshcom and Gatowag have beef with the English language.

Church of Quassel

2014-15. tinnvec, Gatowag, and neshcom believe in the power of one IRC client over another perfectly good IRC client. Like, what's wrong with HexChat? Geez.

That's Short

January 2015. neshcom, SURGE, Sunbun, mek, t2t2, tinnvec, kingkaz, tomgehrke, and a bunch of other fuckers attempt a podcast idea that didn't work. That's what she said.

Maybe You Should've Paid More Attention

1/24/2015. mek and Gatowag should've paid more attention in class.


1/24/2015. SgtMuffin's new music stream on goes awry when the same guitar cover of Toto's Africa plays for the fourth time in the span of an hour.