BUSTED! 6 Matches and 4 Triangles puzzle

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BUSTED! 6 Matches and 4 Triangles puzzle
Number 18
Broadcast Date July 17, 2008
Episode Length 6:48
Hosts Brian Brushwood

Watch the Master finally get beat at his own game!

Revision3 Summary

Back to basics with this episode: another tough match puzzle *almost* guaranteed to win you a drink. Remember: Tricks get you attention, but selling the answers to puzzles gets you drinks.

The rules are simple: using 6 matchsticks, create 4 equilateral triangles. All 4 triangles have to be the same size, and the sides of each triangle have to be one matchstick long.

It sounds impossible, and 99% of the time the mark will just give up. Try to work out the puzzle along with the folks in the episode to see how tough it really is!

Great Quotes

  • "Oh, there will be Brian punching!" -Brian

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"Code Drink"
BUSTED! 6 Matches and 4 Triangles puzzle
Followed by:
"The Amazing Whiskey/Water Trick"