How the Gable Grip Can Save Your Life

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How the Gable Grip Can Save Your Life
Number 77
Broadcast Date August 4, 2017
Episode Length 12:36
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Jason Murphy
Guests Mikal Abdullah


Brian walked by some teens calling some other teens "ratchet" so he asked Jason what that meant and he didn't know. So he hit up Mikal who actually did know, but he thought it would be funnier if he told them it was just a choke technique.


Thanks to Aces Jiu Jitsu Club for hosting us and lending their expertise!

Full Episode

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"12-Year-Old Stunt Driver Teaches Drifting"
How the Gable Grip Can Save Your Life
Followed by:
"Modding Nerf Guns into Overpowered Blasters"