How to Decipher State Legislation Like a Proper Gentleman

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How to Decipher State Legislation Like a Proper Gentleman
Number 82
Broadcast Date September 8, 2017
Episode Length 28:04
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Jason Murphy
Guests Ben Billups


I tell you what, our House of Representatives sure must play a lot of Tekken during those special sessions because boy do they know how to stun with Law.


For putting up with Brian and Jason's... inquisitive minds, you probably owe it to Ben to check out some of his projects.

Full Episode

First Pass Edit

$5+ patrons

First Pass Edits are basically all of the footage we shot for the episode in a largely-uncut format, it can be a real mess sometimes but it's all there.
Consider pledging if you dig the show, or don't if you don't!

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"Crafting Camouflaged Dead Drops"
How to Decipher State Legislation Like a Proper Gentleman
Followed by:
"How to Fight with a Dagger"