No Hobo

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No Hobo
Number 181
Broadcast Date June 4, 2013
Episode Length 1:22:19
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests Iyaz Akhtar

Brian and Justin run Iyaz through the breaking news gauntlet, Justin coin's a new hobo phrase and we are in preliminary talks to create the first ever Diamond Con.


Opening Video

90 year old does double backflip

Breaking News

Iyaz is doing a really great job over at Tech News Today, but we don't want him to lose his edge. Brian and Justin decided to put him through his paces once more by throwing him some breaking news stories and he has to immediately report on them professionally and informatively.

  • Yahoo! acquires FaceFart (Fcfrt)
  • Facebook adopted a crying baby named "QWRT@ Emergency Emoji Rage Table"
  • Om Malik has been shot by Android-Om Malik


Go to and use the code "NSFW6" to get 30% off new accounts.


I was making some search queries on the information superhighway the other day and the top search results for "ruinum" the top results are all NSFW Show related. It'd be pretty cool if that weren't the case, I think that it would be better if Ruinum had a bit more credibility on the internet. This is a pretty nice start...

By the way, Order now.


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No Hobo

There was some recent controversy in the NBA when a player was fined for saying "No homo". This event inspired Justin to coin the phrase "No hobo". You can use this phrase whenever you may be doing some things that resemble the actions of a drifter, but you don't feel comfortable enough with your inner feelings to allow people to think you are an actual hobo.


You can get a free trial if you go to Why not, ya idiot?

Diamond Con

Hey maybe possibly, down the road, there might be a chance that there could be a one-day "Diamond Con" convention in a city on Earth somewhere featuring some people that may have appeared on some podcasts.

ChinBeard's Kickstarter

Friend of the show Bill Doran, aka Chinbeard, created a Kickstarter for a Prop Space Gun. He has some serious talent, and he is a really great dude, go and support him.

Summer Music Series

Hey, kiddo, maybe next week.

Belt Winner


Great Quotes

  • "I have a beard and I drink Listerine. No hobo." - Justin

Fun Facts





Links & Downloads

Preceded by:
"Do You Have A Nickel"
No Hobo
Followed by:
"The NSA Knows"