PS… More?

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PS… More?
Number 2782
Broadcast Date JUNE 10, 2016
Episode Length 39:58
Hosts Tom Merritt
Guests Scott Johnson

Sony’s definitely doing a new model game console but not at E3. Is it a good idea? Can they possibly avoid the angry fan reaction? Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt discuss.


Top Stories

Gawker Media filed documents for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York Friday. Gawker is appealing a $115 million award to Hulk Hogan in a privacy suit, but the judge denied a request to delay payment to allow the appeal to progress. The media company will be auctioned as a part of the proceedings. Ziff-Davis’s CEO Vivek Shah wrote a memo to employees saying “Ziff Davis has entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire all of these properties (free of GMG's liabilities), subject to the outcome of a Court-supervised auction.”
Some of the 32 million Twitter accounts claimed to be for sale on the black market appear to be legitimate and Twitter has locked some accounts, requiring legitimate users to reset the passwords. Twitter’s chief security officer Michael Coates wrote in a blog post that the credentials may have been combined from recent breaches at other sites and malware on victims machines.
Bloomberg reports Apple will use Intel modem chips in some versions of the next iPhone instead of modems chips from Qualcomm. The CPU of the phones will continue to be designed by Apple based on ARM architecture. Models of iPhone for AT&T and some overseas models will get Intel chips. Verizon models and iPhones sold in China will continue to use Qualcomm modems. Infineon provided the modem chip for the first iPhone, but Apple switched to Qualcomm after Intel acquired Infineon.
Facebook launched video comments Friday worldwide, a feature developed at Facebook’s 50th Hackathon. Users can now upload a video into comments and replies on posts by people and pages, and within groups and events. The feature is supported on the Web, iOS and Android.
Apple has formed a subsidiary called Apple Energy LLC to sell excess solar energy it generates for its data centers, stores and corporate offices. The company has announced plans for 521 megawatts of solar projects globally. It's solar farms are located mostly in Cupertino, California and Nevada. Intriguingly Apple has filed for permission to sell at market rates, which would mean not just selling energy to other power companies but also to residential consumers. 9to5 Mac points out this could also be used to provide energy at charging stations for electric cars.
First generation Chromebooks are officially reaching end of life. According to Google's EOL policy, after 5 years, Chrome devices are "considered obsolete" and automatic software updates, including security updates from Google are no longer guaranteed. The original CR-48 and Samsung's Chromebook 5 have already reached EOL, with the Acer AC700 coming up in August.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Sony Interactive Entertainment President and group CEO Andrew House confirmed the existance of a new SKU of the PS4, code named "Neo" that will support ultra-high def 4K video, but he stated it will not be shown at this years E3. House also confirmed that all games would support the standard PS4 by default and said, “We will be selling both [versions] through the life cycle." Though the new 4K version will be more expensive.


Pick of the Day

Pick of the day for android is Agent. When you are driving, it will read your text messages to you, so you know if you need to pull over to deal with an emergency. I also auto-replies that you are driving and you will get back to them later.
Submitted by Steve in the OC


Hi Tom and DTNS crew,

I enjoyed your conversation with Lamarr about talking on the phone while driving.

My idea that came to mind was why not put some research into how talking on the phone while driving could be made safer since people continue to do it.

I am a pilot and had to learn how to talk on the radio and fly at the same time. At first it was overwhelming but you learn over time what phases of flight work better for talking on the radio.

Truckers talk on their CB's a lot and have a better safety record than the general public.

Thanks for all the great thought provoking content you provide every day.
Sent by Sam in much cooler Oregon

Morning Tom and Friends,

i was just listening to the episode where you and Patrick were suggesting standardizing 911 across the world. i can tell you i'm all for it, the number of times i've had to correct myself during conversations is embarrassing. 999 in HK and Singapore where my wife and i were born respectively, 000 in Australia where we live now watching way too many american movies.

i've designed and deployed several Lync/Skype for Business systems for clients and in all of these implementations, we've made it a point to ensure that most of these common emergency numbers are included and translated to what the local number is for the country. e.g in a multinational company with offices in Australia, Singapore and US, we make sure that calls made from the US office to 000, 999, 112 all get translated to 911, and vice versa in the other offices. This ensures that when employees travel to the various offices, they won't have to worry about what number to call (quick! what's the number to 9-1-1?) and the first number that pops into their heads in a situation will still get through to emergency services. we don't advertise this as a fact or feature though, as we don't want the general staff to think that this is something that is everywhere (which it's not),

have a good weekend.
Sent by Kevin

Hey Tom and the crew,

This is *Redacted* from humid Memphis, TN. In regards to the Thursday's Tinder discussion, I feel that the removal of 13-17 year-olds is going to annoy other users. There is already a plethora of teenagers using fake birthdays to meet older people, and that gets tiresome.

My profile is set to discover 21-28 year-old women. I do not want to feel like a creep seeing the dating profile of a teenager who had to fake her age so that she could use the service.

Sent by Southern Single

I think the reasons we don't have flying cars is there's Moore's law in aviation.

You have to ask yourself why Paul Moller has spent 50 years and 100 million dollars trying to do this with nothing to show for it. The answer is not throwing money at it – you can’t change the laws of physics. The sad truth is, if all these various designs that people are working on were to actually come to fruition, you would really only have an aircraft you could fly from an airport, and then “drive” home. Taking off vertically to escape a traffic jam on the freeway will never happen.

Lastly, automated or not, would you really want thousands of these devices buzzing around at low altitude over your house. Again, because of the laws of physics, they will probably always be very noisy.

For what it’s worth, I think we will get driver-less cars before we get a practical flying car - as most people envision it.
Sent by Harry

Hey i just heard ya'll on tms talking about the new UberFly (honestly, love the name you made up, should be a logo of the U with fly wings or something).

Scott, i love you like an old man johnson neighbor screaming at the kids to get inside and play Overwatch instead of hitting baseballs in the park. I'm a proud frogpanter.

People dont forget that an "airplane is an autonomous vehicle" many of them fully believe it. The autopilot can do some amazing things these days and future ones may replace me (then I'll become a professional podcaster with a show called the morning dump), but it's cruise control more than anything else. I love computers, but they give up when the going gets tough. I don't take manual control in some uncommon situations, the computer gives up and hands it back to me.

Anyway, you may already know this. I think your point was probably more "don't fear the computers kids, hollywood makes stuff up". Just in case, i am working hard up there with the other pilot and that's with or without the autopilot on.

Im catching up on you alls podcast, cant wait for more good times.
Sent by Joe the pilot



Preceded by:
"Do We Really Want Our Flying Cars?"
PS… More?
Followed by:
"WWDC and Xbox E3"