The Giz Wiz

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The Giz Wiz
Giz Wiz Logo.jpeg
Created by Dick DeBartolo & Leo Laporte
Hosted by Dick DeBartolo & Chad Johnson
No. of episodes 1500+
Runtime 60 minutes
Editor(s) Chad Johnson
Distributor Independent
Original Run February 20, 2006 - Present

Chad Johnson (OMGchad) joins MAD's Maddest Writer, Dick DeBartolo, for The Giz Wiz! Each episode features silly, unique, and crazy gadgets and gizmos, fan videos, letters, and more!

New episodes are recorded live every Thursday at 7:30pm ET, 4:30pm PT.


The Giz Wiz started as a daily show on TWiT in February 2006. Each episode was recorded on Tuesday and released throughout the week. Later, the show changed to a weekly format and was renamed to "The Weekly Daily Giz Wiz" and recorded on Saturdays. In July 2012, the show was moved back to Tuesdays and renamed "The Giz Wiz".

Chad Johnson took over hosting for Leo Laporte in January 2014. After April 2015, the show left TWiT and went independent. The final TWiT episode was on April 30, 2015 with Leo doing one last hosting appearance. After the show left TWiT, RSS feeds were redirected to their new location.

The Giz Wiz was nominated for a Podcast Award for Comedy in 2009 and Technology in 2016. It won in 2009, but lost to Hak5 in 2016. (Diamond Club had attempted to get it nominated for Comedy in 2016, but it somehow ended up being nominated in Technology.)


See previous episodes on or on The Giz Wiz YouTube channel.

