Diamond Club
Diamond Club is beyond chatrealm. It is the highest level of fandom that can be achieved by a fan of NSFW other than actually being a guest on the show.
Diamond Membership
The idea of a "Diamond Membership" was first conceived in late October 2010. It was proposed in jest as a special level of NSFW fandom. For an undisclosed price, fans would be able to purchase a Diamond Membership and listen in to all the pre- and post-NSFW show calls between Brian Brushwood and Justin Robert Young.
When asked on October 28, 2010 if Diamond Memberships would actually become available, Justin said, "if we issued Diamond Memberships me and @shwood wouldn't have careers within 2 weeks"
During the aftershow on December 15th, there were further talks about the Diamond Membership. Justin proposed that when Brian and Justin are talking on the phone, they would hit record every now and then and these recordings would be released for the Diamond Members.
In September, during the episode El Celsior, Brian and Justin promoted the first of these recordings, Night Attack, which was subsequently released the next day on Amazon and CDBaby for $1.99. It eventually reached the front page of CDBaby.com, #1 on the Amazon Comedy MP3 charts, and #5 on the Amazon overall MP3 Charts.
Diamond Club

In December 2010, the secret society began to be referred to as "Diamond Club". By February 2011, this term began to be used to refer to people watching the Justin.tv broadcasts of Brian and/or Justin. In chat, people would refer to it as <>.
Diamond Club Day
Diamond Club Day is an annual event which occurs on December 22nd of every year to celebrate the Diamond Club members of Bonearth. The day marks the official founding of Diamond Club when Cowgirlcurtis was initiated as a member on a private video stream. More information about the events of the first Diamond Club Day can be found at the Diamond Club Day page.
Diamond Club Hand Sign

On February 15, 2011, on the "Diamond Club feed" (Justin.tv), Justin Robert Young revealed the new public sign for Diamond Club members.
To make the hand sign, make a "V" sign with your index and middle fingers, rotate one hand 180°, and touch fingertips to form a diamond shape. Having both hands face in the same direction or using the wrong fingers is not a valid <> hand sign and is subject to ridicule.
Diamond Club Members
To become a member:
- Watch the random live streams from Brian and Justin
- Take a photo of yourself doing the Diamond Club hand sign
If you can manage to take a photo of yourself while both hands are in frame, you are obviously elite enough to be in the Diamond Club!
Patrick Delahanty made 10 Diamond Club T-shirts which were distributed at SXSW 2011. Shortly after SXSW, he planned to open up orders to Diamond Club Members and sell more shirts at cost (or very close to it)...but never had time. (Hey, remember that Afterlyfe.me project? That too.)
Brian and Justin made shirts available during Dragon*Con: Con of a Dragon 2: Double Complete Dragon. They sold the leftover shirts during Episode 94 at shop.nsfwshow.com but they had sold out by the end of the episode.
In the summer of 2012, Chatrealm wrote a sexy novel meant to take on Fifty Shades of Grey titled The Diamond Club (book). In the book, most of the events are centered around a nightclub known as "The Diamond Club".
Current Members
Diamond Core
Diamond Core was a subset of Diamond Club which consisted of people behind the scenes at TWiT who, in the days of NSFW, aided in getting the show out to the masses.
Diamond Group
During the Podcast Awards, Todd Cochrane mistakenly referred to Diamond Club as "Diamond Group". The name stuck and was used by many as a way to mock Todd...often in ways such as "Diamond Group, LLC" and making it sound like a business. Nobody has ever corrected him and Todd still thinks Diamond Club is actually called "Diamond Group". Maybe he'll find this page someday when he's spying on us and trying to figure out how to stop us from supporting fine podcasts in his silly awards.