Game On! BETA

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Game On! Beta
Number Beta
Broadcast Date November 14, 2011
Episode Length 40:38
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Veronica Belmont

This beta episode served mostly as a technical run-through and litmus test for what works in the new show format.


System Update

  • Modern Warfare 3 has a massive release.
  • Nintendo continues to say their new console will only support one of the Wii U tablets at a time but developers are reporting support of up to two simultaneously.
  • The beta for Mass Effect 3 was accidentally leaked to XBox Live.
  • New installment of Assassin's Creed announced for 2012.
  • World of Warcraft starts losing subscribers.
  • Steam gets hacked and information compromised.

Favorite Thing To Happen This Week

For both Brian and Veronica : Skyrim!

L33t Sh33t

The 5 most overpowered, game-ruiningest weapons in history

  • 5. Cougar Magnum - Goldeneye
  • 4. The Farsight - Perfect Dark
  • 3. The Redeemer - Unreal Tournament
  • 2. Blue Shell - Mario Kart
  • 1. BFG 9000 - Doom

Honorable mentions : Fatman - Fallout, Grenade Launcher (noob tube) - Call of Duty, Mages

Uncharted 3 With Dramatic Reenactment

Veronica was emotionally invested and loved the acting. Spoilers follow.

Orcs Must Die

Brian highly recommends Orcs Must Die.

Doghouse Systems

Go to and use code "Game On" at checkout and they will double your memory for free.

Interview : Mark Burstiner

Veronica interviews Mark Burstiner, creator of FTW.

Flame Wars

World of Warcraft's pandaren, are they a welcome addition?

54% of the audience is pro-panda.

App Diction

Life Is Crime for Android devices.

Closing Videos

Shut Up And Play

The debut of TWiT's LAN party following Game On! This week Glenn hosts a session of Team Fortress 2.

Great Quotes

  • Veronica: "Dial V for verklempt."
  • Mark B: "What am I supposed to do when you're petting me?"
  • Veronica: "We encourage everyone to FTW, or DIAF."
  • Veronica: "Since the plot revolves around a scheme to end the world in December 2012, the powers that be determined that it would be a real jerk-ass move to release the game after that. Actually no one said the word jerk-ass, except me, twice!"

Fun Facts

  • Brian pinky swears he will wear black fingernails on the show at some point.



Preceded by:
Game On! BETA
Followed by:
"Episode #1: David Jaffe"