The Painting

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Revision as of 01:21, 18 April 2013 by Yoshi Ayarane (talk | contribs) (Who knew it would become a sort of meme? :P)
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It began as a simple "congratulations for 100 episodes" fan art that Yoshi did, and lulz and amusement were had as it made the rounds of the Chatrealm and others at TWiT. Then the holidays came and some of the Chatrealm, under the leadership of Giggleloop, decided to have a version of it printed with their signatures layered over the image and sent up to the TWiT Brickhouse as a gift to JammerB and Tony.

They even opened it on the livestream...

And for the rest of the day it got paraded around during other TWiT shows, again for lulz and amusement. JammerB was especially amused by the painting, and commented that he one day hoped to be distinguished with grey hair.

But was this the end for the little painting that could?


Every so often, it would be brought out and smuggled into the background, either as a sort of "Where's Waldo" gag or because someone at the Brickhouse (likely JammerB) felt like it. It has even made an appearance in the Google Maps internal photography of the Brickhouse.

Essentially the painting has become TWiT's version of the Travelocity Garden Gnome.



Giz Wiz


  • 10.04.12 - Photographed during Google Maps internal photography of the TWiT Brickhouse (look for the arcade machine)

Where could it show up next? Keep watching TWiT live and post screencaps if you spot it!