World Record Episode

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World Record Episode
Number 4
Broadcast Date December 15, 2009
Episode Length 1:19:02
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Dan Rollman

World Record Episode was the fourth episode of NSFW. Co-founder of the URDB, Dan Rollman, helped the crew try to break as many world records as possible during the show with the help of the audience.


After an intro featuring ABC's Wide World of Sports, Brian Brushwood and Justin Robert Young talk briefly about iTunes and introduce the concept for the night's episode: breaking world records. They are joined for this episode by Dan Rollman, co-founder of The Universal Record Database.

After discussions about the origins of URDB, they moved on to record attempts:

  1. Jack Webster - Attempting to chug a container of 64oz of Gatorade (failed)
  2. DJZ (Jack Holder) - Longest URL generated using a URL shortening service (success)
  3. DJZ (Jack Holder) - Longest URL generated using a URL shortening service that is also a complete run-on sentence (success)
  4. Cameron Ramsey - Most Swedish fish fit in ones open mouth without swallowing (success)
  5. Wesley Coleman - Most jumping jacks in 10 seconds (too close to call)
  6. TSSaloic - Largest number of people watching a plea or a show to be put on Zune Marketplace (determined lame)
  7. Jack Zhang - Longest time listening to a 1 kHz tone (success)
  8. Podnutz - Say the Greek alphabet faster than anyone (success)
  9. Masterwabbit - Draw 10 Homer Simpsons (success)
  10. Rabidbadger - Most cheeses named in 10 seconds (success)
  11. Kade Sandlin - Number of sporks in the mouth at one time (success)
  12. Kuhan - Fastest time to eat an apple - core included (failed to beat 56.31 seconds)
  13. Nick Fry - Fastest time eating two Swiss rolls (success)

The episode was sponsored by Ford Snyc.

New Champion! Woo!

  • DJZ - Longest URL generated using a URL shortening service (259 characters - old record: 235)
  • Cameron Ramsey - Most Swedish fish fit in ones open mouth without swallowing (80 fish - old record: 60)
  • TSSaloic - Largest number of boos generated within 10 seconds (new record)
  • Jack Zhang - Longest time listening to a 1 kHz tone (new record)
  • Podnutz - Say the Greek alphabet faster than anyone (4.37 seconds)
  • Masterwabbit - Draw 10 Homer Simpsons (1 min 58 sec - old record: 2 min 7.13 sec)
  • Rabidbadger - Most cheeses named in 10 seconds (24 cheeses - old record: 21)
  • Kade Sandlin - Number of sporks in the mouth at one time (28 sporks - old record: 27)
  • Nick Fry - Fastest time eating two Swiss rolls (new time unknown - old record: 25.84 sec)
  • Most records set in a live show (old record: 3 on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)

Great Quotes

  • "I will not rest until everybody has a world record." -Dan Rollman
  • "Like a two-bit crackwhore downtown!" -Brian
  • "I shouldn'ta done McDonald's earlier today." -Jack Webster
  • "I'm alive!" -Cameron Ramsey
  • "What's awesome is that I see a bunch of Z's and in the middle, 'Damn you, Kuhan!'" -Brian
  • "Alright, get the hell off my show, Kuhan." -Brian


Preceded by:
"YouBooze (episode)"
World Record Episode
Followed by:
"Hotel Rwanda for Dogs"