YouBooze (episode)

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Number 3
Broadcast Date December 7, 2009
Episode Length 1:02:19
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Brett Rounsaville, Dr. Tiki

YouBooze was the third episode of NSFW. In this episode, participants played a game of YouBooze. Prior to the episode, fans were asked to submit links to YouTube clips. Brian, JRY, Amtrekker, and Dr. Tiki then placed bets on what type of comments they would find on the video. Those who predicted incorrectly had to drink.



Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Brett Rounsaville, and Dr. Tiki to play a game of YouBooze.

Nobody is sure who won...mainly due to intoxication.

The episode was sponsored by Ford SYNC.

New Champion! Woo!

  • NSFW's first major technical failure happens during this episode. As a result, only a recording of the second half is available.

Great Quotes

  • Iron Giant up your Mom, Brad Bird is the Bomb.
  • "I'm thirsty, so I'm gonna go with racism." -Brian

Fun Facts

  • COED Magazine listed "7 Podcasts Every Guy Should Listen To" and NSFW was #4 on the list. This was the episode they recommended.1

Submitted YouBooze Videos



Preceded by:
"Secrets or BS (NSFW episode)"
YouBooze (episode)
Followed by:
"World Record Episode"